• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

China-Africa Youth Festival Plays a Key Role in Promoting Friendship and Exchanges


May 21, 2024
BEIJING, May 21st (ABP) – Under the patronage of the Ministry responsible for Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, the China Soong Ching Ling Science and Culture Center for Young People-Department of Foreign Affairs of Zhejiang Provincial People’s Government, in collaboration with the representation of the African Diplomatic Corps accredited to China, proceeded on Monday, May 20, 2024, in Beijing, to the official opening of China-Africa Youth Festival, eight edition, under the theme ” Gathering the strengths of the youths to build China-Africa modernization “.
In his speech for the occasion, Chen Xiaodong, vice-minister of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), pointed out that the China-Africa Youth Festival, which has become a formal event under the framework of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), brings together Chinese and African youths to forge friendship and discuss future prospects. ” The China-Africa Youth Festival has played a key role in promoting friendship, cultural and people-to-people exchanges “, he underscored.
Acknowledging the role of the youth in cementing traditional relations existing between China and Africa, Mr. Chen added that the festival aims to encourage both sides to take their responsibilities and to support each other in their respective modernization endeavors. ” We look forward to seeing new chapters and high quality development, and a community with a shared future for mankind for our two sides “, he expressed his hope.
View of the attendees in the China-Africa Youth Festival Opening Ceremony
For her part, the chairperson of China Soong Ching Ling Foundation, Mrs. Li Bin, recalled that from the founding of the PRC so far, China has made achievements that have attracted worldwide attention. ” We have built a well-off society and have achieved the first centenary goal. We keep on working hard to achieve the second centenary goal. We look forward to building a richer and stronger country “, she highlighted.
Mrs.Li mentioned that China and Africa are sincere brothers, care each other, and share the same destiny. By way of illustration, she quoted President Xi Jinping who always puts forward the concept of sincerity, amity and honesty towards Africa, in order to build a community with a shared destiny.
In addition, she revealed that the China Soong Ching Ling Foundation has organized a series of activities aimed at promoting mutual understanding and deepening friendship among the young people from all countries. ” We will continue to make contributions to building a community with a common experience between China and Africa “, she added.
After congratulating the organizers of the event, the ambassador of Senegal to China and African co-chairman of the FOCAC, Mr. Ibrahim Sory Sylla, pointed out that Africa has the youngest population worldwide, with over 400 million young people aged between 15 and 35. ” Such a young population requires increased investments in economic and social development factors, in order to improve the development index of African countries “, he stressed.
To that end, the AU has developed several youth development policies and programs at the continental level, aimed at ensuring that the continent reaps its demographic dividend. These policies include the African Youth Charter, the Youth Decade Action Plan and the Malabo Decision on Youth Empowerment, and all of which are implemented through the various programs of the Agenda 2063, he said.
Given that Africa remains faced with the challenges of training, the employability of young people and their integration into the socio-economic fabric, the African co-chairman of FOCAC called for the continued strengthening of Sino-African cooperation, especially through joint student exchange programs and the organization of youth cultural activities both in China and on the African continent, as well as the support for entrepreneurship of young people and women.
He closed his remarks by making a strong appeal to universities, schools and training institutes, think tanks, businesses as well as to all Chinese and African stakeholders of FOCAC, to join their efforts to raise those challenges for a stronger Sino-African partnership, so that the vision of prosperity and a shared future put forward  by President XI Jinping come true.
John Paradza, the Africa youth representative in the opening ceremony of the festival, who is the deputy minister of environment, climate and wildlife of the Republic of Zimbabwe, highlighted the importance of that festival standing as a testament to strengthening ties between China and his country of origin, which relations are characterized by mutual benefits and respect, shared aspirations and collective progress.
Note that the opening ceremony of the China-Africa Youth Festival was followed by cultural activities of various kinds.
On the sidelines of the China-Africa Youth Festival, participants carry out cultural activities