• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The President of the Republic led the Cabinet meeting


Apr 19, 2024

GITEGA, April 19th (ABP) – The Cabinet meeting was held on Wednesday 17 April 2024, at the presidential palace in Gitega (center of the country), chaired by the President of the Republic, Evariste Ndayishimiye, with 11 items on the agenda. The Minister of Finance, Budget and Economic Planning, Mr. Audace Niyonzima presented three subjects. The Minister of National Solidarity, Social Affairs, Human Rights and Gender, Mrs. Imelde Sabushimike, presented the fourth item, relating to the national strategy document for the sustainable socio-economic reintegration of disaster victims and the inclusion of the Batwa, 2023-2027.

                                                                                                               View of the Ministers

The fifth presentation was the draft law on the ratification by the Republic of Burundi of the agreement between the Government of the Republic of Benin and the Government of the Republic of Burundi on visa exemption for holders of diplomatic, official, service and ordinary passports. This draft was presented by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Development Cooperation, Ambassador Albert Shingiro. The sixth item analyzed was the draft law governing Special Economic Zones in Burundi, presented by the Minister of Trade, Transport, Industry and Tourism, Mrs. Chantal Nijimbere.

The Minister of National Education and Scientific Research, Professor François Havyarimana, presented the draft decree on administrative equivalence between diplomas awarded by higher education institutions under the new system and those awarded in accordance with Law no. 1/104 of 07 July 1999 on the reorganization of the system for awarding academic degrees in Burundi.  The eighth item on the agenda of the Cabinet meeting on Wednesday 17 April 2024 was the draft ministerial order revising order no. 570/423 of 30 April 2006 on the organization of the continuous working day. It was presented by the Minister for the Civil Service, Labor and Employment, Vénuste Muyabaga. The Minister for Public Health and the Fight against AIDS, Mrs. Lidyuine Baradahana, presented the draft ministerial ordinance laying down the rules and procedures for the transplantation of organs and other human tissues, autopsies and the dissection of human cadavers, as well as the information note on the situation of the measles epidemic and the budgetary gap for financing the vaccine response. The last item analyzed by the Board was a note on climate change.