• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Women are called on to accompany their husbands in the development works


Mar 27, 2024

BUJUMBURA March 26th (ABP) – The International Rescue Committee (IRC), through the “Dushigikire Umukenyezi” project, funded by IRISH-AID, organized on Friday March 22, 2024, an exchange workshop on the importance of the involvement of women in increasing production.

In his introductory remarks, the officer in charge of the prevention of gender-based violence (GBV) component of the “Dushigikire Umukenyezi” project, Mr. Côme Ndayishemeze, indicated that the said project operates in the areas of Gatumba, Buterere and Kinama, with the objective of protecting and empowering women and girls by facilitating their access to care services.

The project has five results which make it active in the prevention and response to gender-based violence which is, in large part, suffered by women and girls.

During the presentation made during that workshop, it was shown that the results of the achievements from the period from January 2023 to December 2023, in the empowerment component, reveal that 90% of respondents in the village savings association and (VSLA), supervised by IRC/Dushigikire umukenyezi, have created income-generating activities.

Mr. Ndayishemeze took the opportunity to invite all participants to raise awareness among all women to support their husbands in increasing production for the good of the family and the community.

On that same occasion, the beneficiaries of that project welcome the implementation of that project given that they have already taken a satisfactory step and are currently able to meet their needs. Note that the Dushigikire umukenyezi project started in 2022 and will end in December 2024. The IRC is implementing the economic empowerment approach (EASE), grouping in VSLA and entrepreneurship.