• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Around a hundred journalists, in a visit to China


Mar 2, 2024

BEIJING, March 2nd (ABP) – Around a hundred journalists from more than 90 countries on different continents are in the People’s Republic of China to follow a four-month multilateral training organized by the China International Press Communication Center (CIPCC).

In his opening and welcoming remarks to the participants, the director of the CIPCC, Mr. Yu Lei, noted that throughout this multilateral training, many visits will be organized not only to Beijing (capital), but also to different provinces of the country so that journalists can see, with their own eyes, the reality on the ground and transmit reliable information collected by themselves, unlike that disseminated through certain Western media.

                                                                                                                                            View of the participants

During the very program, there will be visits to China’s ministries, famous companies, universities as well as major media institutions including China Global Television Network (CGTN) and Xinhua News Agency. Journalists will cover important events, both domestic and diplomatic ones, including the main “Two Sessions”, namely the National People’s Congress (NPC) and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Congress (CPPCC).

Mr. Yu Lei hopes that on the sidelines of the program, the participants will have a common image of China through their own experience on the ground because, he insisted, it is better to say what one has seen with their own eyes than what they have heard from others. He also hopes that after exchanges with many media organizations of China, participants will be able to establish some contacts to begin practical cooperation between their media and Chinese media. He also revealed that the initial objective of organizing such a program is to promote practical cooperation between Chinese media and those of developing countries.

Regarding the concept of democracy, Mr. Yu Lei said that democracy has many forms and varies from the country to the other. “China has its own democracy. You will understand what democracy we are talking about in China through different university experts,” he reassured.

It is worth noting that among the participants in the said program is a journalist from the Burundi News Agency (ABP).