• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Towards the establishment of a Culture House in Burundi


Jan 8, 2024

GITEGA, January 8th (ABP) – The Ministry of East African Community Affairs, Youth, Sports and Culture organized, from January 4 to 5, 2024, in Gitega (center of the country), a two-day retreat for executives from public institutions involved in the establishment of the Culture House which will be erected in the Kabanga zone of Giheta commune, Gitega province.

It was within the framework of seeing together the process of relocation of the occupants of the land where different infrastructures which will house the premises will be erected.

The interim permanent secretary, Mr. Rémy Barampama, who opened the retreat, recalled that the Culture House which will soon be built has the mission of revalorizing Burundian culture, whose values are gradually crumbling.

The head of the commission responsible for setting up that house, Mr. Gaëtan Ndayikengurukiye, in his presentation on the legal framework of that house, recalled that the latter was set up by the government of Burundi, via the decree n°100/235 of December 2, 2017, 6 years ago. He also noted that the house of culture will also be able to set up branches inside or outside the country, if necessary.

                                                                                                  View of the Culture House model

Mr. Ndayikengurukiye also pointed out that this cultural center will contribute a lot to the development of the country, taking into account that it will be composed of several buildings which will offer services covering all aspects of the national, intangible and tangible cultural heritage, notably linguistic, archival, folklore aspects, etc. Among these buildings will be the one in charge of the drum.

After following all the presentations, some participants were not satisfied with the achievements taking into account the period already passed.

Mr. Jean Ndayitwayeko, director of population at the Ministry of the Interior, wanted to know if this failure was due to the occupants of the land or to a lack of resources.

In response, Mr. Ndayikengurukiye indicated that his commission did not drag on, taking into account that its members continue to go about their daily activities in their ministries of origin. He further pointed out that the decree establishing this house was signed in December 2017, but that its budget line was implemented in the 2020/2021 budget, three years later. He indicated that they have already finished counting the compensation, but that they are awaiting implementation.

Based on the answers given regarding various questions addressed to the commission, the participants proposed to that commission to make study trips to different countries which have managed to successfully complete such a project, in order to have knowledge to accelerate the work. The participants also suggested that they update the data in order to have a real estimate that can be budgeted in the 2024/2025 budget. Note that the Culture House will be built on 44 ha of land.