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The people of Burundi are called on to get used to throwing plastic waste in bins


Jan 2, 2024

BUJUMBURA, January 2nd (ABP) – The people of Burundi must change their mentality or behavior to succeed in the good management of plastic waste, the Director General of the Production and Distribution Center of the Christian literature (CEPRODILIC), Mr. Emmanuel Irumva, told a check by ABP on Thursday, December 28, 2023, in Bujumbura, during an interview.

According to the Director General of CEPRODILIC, that association is working on Decree-Law No. 100/099 of August 8, 2018, which prohibits the production, import, marketing and use of plastic bags and other non-biodegradable packaging for the protection of public health and the environment. He pointed out that CEPRODILIC’s vision is to put an end to plastics because there are always questions related to plastic bottles that are spread everywhere.

He did not fail to point out that waste recycling is an essential element of environmental preservation allowing us to keep the planet clean by reducing the quantity of waste produced. Recycling contributes significantly to limiting greenhouse gas emissions and creating jobs, which can generate revenue for the country, explained Mr. Irumva.

He further noted that for good management and in order to facilitate the collection of this waste, CEPRODILIC has installed public trash cans in the different corners of Bujumbura city. This association has also invested in the recycling of plastic waste by manufacturing paving stones and bricks, which prevents the plastic from returning.

He invites companies that use plastic packaging to send them to where CEPRODILIC works so that they can be recycled.

                        Plastic waste

According to the Director General of CEPRODILIC, companies that use plastic waste as raw materials by manufacturing other plastic objects such as basins, cups and others are not contributing to the reduction of this waste because those companies are bringing back plastics. We need to think about projects that aim to reduce plastics because they are harmful to human health and the environment.

Regarding the challenges, Mr. Irumva deplores the fact that some people have not yet understood the advantage of throwing waste in the trash. “They continue to throw plastic bottles and other waste in the street and in other inappropriate places despite many awareness sessions on behavior change for the urban population that we organized in partnership with State institutions,” he deplores.

To achieve good waste management as provided for in the vision “An emerging Burundi in 2040 and a developed Burundi in 2060”, no one must be left behind. He proposed to the Ministry of the Interior to take inspiration from developed cities in other countries to make Burundi a clean country.

We must take measures and sanctions against people who throw waste everywhere instead of using trash cans. Community works carried out every Saturday must be strengthened and contribute to the collection of biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste. The people of Burundi must change their mentality and be able to be responsible in terms of waste management. Companies that use plastic packaging that they consider to be single-use must also get involved in the work of collecting them, suggests the Director General of CEPRODILIC.

He hopes that once the “Zero Waste” campaign is launched by the First Lady of the Republic of Burundi, there will be a slight improvement.

Note that CEPRODILIC is a non-profit association, which has been working in Burundi since 1989. It works in the sectors of environmental protection, food security and education.