• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The Head of State calls on leaders to work hard to achieve excess output


Dec 28, 2023

CANKUZO, December 28th (ABP) – The Head of State, Evariste Ndayishimiye, calls on leaders to work tirelessly to have excess output. That appeal was made in the morning of Wednesday, December 27, 2023, during the end-of-year 2023 thanksgiving prayer crusade, organized in Cankuzo province (east) by the presidential family, a check by ABP revealed.

On the second day of the prayer, the teachings were addressed to the leaders.

Father Aloys Cambara indicated that God has endowed man with basic capital including life, intelligence, the country full of water and other sources to develop. According to him, all that remains is to work and pray to God.

Referring to the word of God drawn precisely in Tessalonissians 2, verse 10, Father Cambara indicated that he who crosses his arms should not eat as Saint Paul said.

Moreover, he said, a true leader plays the role of reconciliation and must serve as a light to others. He must also ensure respect for the customs and mores of the country and recognize the value of man who is created in the image of God.

As for Sheik Ramadhan Ndikumana, there are still individuals who frequent places known as ligalas, thieves, drug users, pointing out that people of such behavior only set back the development of the country. He proposed exemplary sanctions against them.

The President of the Republic, Evariste Ndayishimiye, made it known in his teachings that happiness is the result of fatigue. He took the opportunity to condemn leaders who indulge in ease instead of welcoming the grievances of the people. Anyone who receives a salary without having worked is a thief, according to the President of the Republic.

Leaders must serve as an example to the people for work because, God bless the workers. This is why it is important to invest in other private activities instead of thinking only about the salary, the Head of State insisted.

The mistake that many make, according to the Head of State, is the desire to develop without working, adding that good wealth is that received from the sweat of one’s brow (sweat of one’s face).