• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The Torch of Peace 2023 edition in Bujumbura province


Dec 15, 2023

BUJUMBURA December 12th (ABP) – The Torch of Peace, coming from Bubanza province (west of Burundi) arrived in Bujumbura province (west of the country) on the morning of that Saturday. It is on the Muzazi River on the border of the two provinces, in the presence of the deputies elected in Bujumbura province and the president of the senate Emmanuel Sinzohagera, and the population, that the governor of Bubanza Mr. Cléophas Nizigiyimana together with the “intwararumuri” and his people, handed over the torch of peace to the chief of staff of the governor of Bujumbura Mr. Dieudonné Bizimana as noted by the ABP on site.

The torch of peace illuminated the concreting and paving work of the office of the Muyange village leader, then it was taken to the technical school of the Methodist church where it illuminated the mixture of gravel, sand and cement to pave 3 classrooms, it is in the Rubirizi zone.

The president of the intwararumuri association Mr. Epipode Baranyikwa in his speech through which he indicated that at a time when the torch is traveling the country to illuminate the development works in the communes, the president of the republic gave them two messages to give to the Burundians. The first is the donation of 50 bags of cement as a helping hand intended for each commune; the second is to recall the vision of Burundi, an emerging country in 2040 and a developed country in 2060. According to Mr. Baranyikwa, quoting the President of the Republic, Burundians must change their behavior, redouble their efforts and aim for performance. Everything must start in the services where work is planned; aiming for great production and it must be the same in households. We must plan well what we must do, cultivate and produce a lot in order to sell and pay state taxes, educate our children so that the country has experts and the country will take care of carrying out the major work of providing water and electricity to the population, to build roads etc.

In the afternoon, the torch went to illuminate the paving work of the modern market under construction in the Kinama zone before taking the road to the Isare commune where sand, gravel and cement were mixed to build the slab.

The governor’s chief of staff thanked the intwararumuri for their participation in development work and took that opportunity to ask the president of the intwararumuri association Mr. Epipode Baranyikwa, to convey the message from the communes of Bujumbura province that they are grateful for the support obtained from cement.

Senate President Emmanuel Sinzohagera asked Mr. Baranyikwa to advocate for the Methodist Church Technical School and the surrounding population to be electrified. In Mubimbi commune, in case of request for concrete bars. He asked that the presidential services honor the request and in Isare commune he requested the asphalting of the so-called Astrida road which would relieve congestion for the farming population of the Kibenga and Isare zones because it would pass not far from the Mucungwe market and would serve the people of the communes of Isare, Kanyosha, Mugongomanga and Nyabiraba.