• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Delivery ceremonies to the General Secretariat of the Government


Dec 15, 2023

BUJUMBURA December 14th (ABP) – The General Secretariat of the Government organized, Monday December 11, 2023 in Bujumbura, the handover ceremonies between the incoming Secretary General of the State, Mr. Jérome Niyonzima and the outgoing Prosper Ntahorwamiye.

In an interview given to the press just after the ceremonies, Mr. Ntahorwamiye indicated that the activities of the General Secretariat of State and spokesperson are of three categories. He first cited the activities relating to the Council of Ministers from preparation, programming, analysis and adoption of projects to be analysed and monitoring.

The second category of activity relates to orders from missions abroad and the other category of service or activity concerns the communication and spokesperson services of the State.

Mr. Ntahorwamiye indicated that there are no files pending at the General Secretariat of State but that it is routine administration.

However, he clarified, there are files adopted by the Council of Ministers which have not yet been signed. On that, he indicated that he had informed the Secretary General of the incoming State of those files that he would take care to follow up.

The remains are routine activities in that case welcoming visitors, preparing the contribution in declarations in major ceremonies etc.

For his part, the Secretary General of the incoming State affirmed that his predecessor gave him a good number of instruments used by the General Secretariat of the Government in carrying out its everyday missions.

Mr. Niyonzima further indicated that there are no files that require urgency compared to others but that all files have an urgent stamp. He pointed out that by taking a look at the missions of the Secretary General of the State, he noted that there are specifically two components, namely the general secretariat component and the spokesperson component.

In the first part, he underlined, there are activities which are planned and others which come whenever necessary, reason why there are no emergencies more than the others but that that are files that must be analysed at the appropriate time. To do that, he had to specify that all his activities will not be carried out alone but as a united team with all the services of the General Secretariat of the State.

As for the spokesperson, he had to specify that it is in the image of a mouth: “The mouth prepares the tongue so that what is in the brain and which needs to be expressed is expressed. and that’s what we’re going to do. Whenever the brain which is the State of Burundi is ready to express itself, we will do it as the tongue or the mouth would do at the appropriate time,” he declared.

Mr. Niyonzima believes, for his part, that the media constitute a privileged channel for sending information to the public in need of being informed. Consequently, he specified that whenever it is appropriate to bring information to the attention of the public, they will be invited to transmit the information to them. He explains that situation with the image of a menu ready to be served: “Each time the menu is ready we will put it on the table and the media will be like the waiters or waitresses who will carry the menu which will be ready to the audience. “, he demonstrated.