• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Launch of the data collection and online registration platform for Burundians qualified in ICT


Nov 13, 2023

BUJUMBURA, November 13th (ABP) – The Minister of Communication, Information Technologies and Media, Mrs. Léocadie Ndacayisaba, held on Friday, November 10, 2023, a conference to launch the platform for collecting data relating to connectivity internet, computer equipment and existing applications in all ministries and on the online registration form for Burundians qualified and/or certified in the ICT sector.

The data collection platform and the registration form were set up by the Executive Secretariat of Information and Communication Technologies (SETIC) within that ministry.

During the launching ceremony, the Minister in charge of ICT noted that the Burundian government recognizes the digitalization of public services at its fair value: an imperative to accelerate economic growth. With this in mind, the Government has adopted a master plan for the digitalization of public services which will extend over 10 years.

                                                                          View of the participants

The directory of Burundians (living in the country or abroad), qualified in ICT, aims to promote Burundi’s digital progress by leveraging their skills and expertise, Mrs. Ndacayisaba explained.

Regarding the state of progress in the digitalization of public services, she indicated that an assessment of public services was made and an action plan was drawn up.

Priorities have also been set in terms of digitalization. The areas which will be priorities, as stated by the Minister, concern: public finances for good traceability, management of public sector resources to avoid cheating (double salary for the same civil servant, etc.), and digital identity to avoid cheating by having several different identities or several identity cards received in several locations.

In relation to the assignments of the technical digitalization unit which was recommended by the Cabinet members, Mrs. Ndacayisaba specified that it is a coordination team which will be set up based on the profiles of the database of Burundians qualified or certified in the ICT field. The latter will work with the focal points of the different ministries. This is when each ministry has already provided its digitalization plan.

Participants suggested the need for training in digitalization. On this, Minister Ndacayisaba indicated that this training is planned for designers, operators and even data consumers. She called on technicians, with all profiles, to register while noting that their skills are welcome. The registration form for the latter can be found on the SETIC website: https://setic.gov.bi/investigation/.

It is worthy to note that this launch of the platform for collecting data relating to internet connectivity, computer equipment and existing applications in all ministries and on the online registration form of Burundians qualified and/or certified in the ICT sector was attended by focal points from different public services.