• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

A synergy of actions must be required to fight against malnutrition


Nov 8, 2023

BUJUMBURA November 6th (ABP) – The secretary of the provincial platform for food security and nutrition (PFPSAN), Mr. Symphorien Banciriminsi declared, during an interview he gave to the ABP, that a synergy of actions must be required to combat malnutrition.

According to Mr. Banciriminsi, to effectively combat malnutrition which is raging in certain households in the province, a database must be available to categorize the neediest of those whose malnutrition is still slight, commune by commune, and the stakeholders must work together with members of the PFPSAN to show them how and where to intervene.

The secretary of the PFPSAN clarified that data collection is underway. The Provincial Health Office has already given the list of children taken care of in care structures, the administration is at work, the Provincial Directorate of Family and Social Development, and those involved in nutrition programs will also bring their data and once compiled, we will identify those who need emergency assistance, confided Mr. Banciriminsi.

He also stressed that not everyone needs the same help, specifying that the provincial directorate of the environment, agriculture and livestock in collaboration with the administration will lend small plots of land. land to households who need to grow vegetables, corn, and other short-duration crops to feed their malnourished children.

In Bujumbura province, NGOs like GVC, Hello Be and SOSODE participate in the nutrition sector and information collected from those NGOs, affirmed that they have lists of children assisted in their areas of intervention, adding that the said the lists need to be updated because there are beneficiaries who are cured, to continue helping those who need it so much.

Mr. Bancirimisi further pointed out that a collection of food and money is made each year as part of local solidarity, where part of those resources is drawn to help vulnerable people without resources to live.