• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Closing of the 2nd regional media familiarization workshop on support programs for the development of air transport and ICT governance


Nov 3, 2023

BUJUMBURA October 30th (ABP) – On the 2nd day of the holding of the regional training and media familiarization workshop on support programs for the development of air transport and the strengthening of ICT governance, a plan provisional action plan for the involvement of media professionals was adopted by the participants. Thus, actions were designed to be implemented in relation to the challenges, so that the 2 programs initiated by 5 regional African communities could be carried out.

Five challenges to be addressed have been identified. In relation to the challenge linked to the existence of an online platform, to meet it was proposed the development of an online platform for sharing information and the involvement of technical experts in that field at the level of decision-making bodies of the Member States.

In relation to the challenge linked to the limitation of access to information, it was proposed to take advantage of already existing platforms for sharing information. Without forgetting to organize discussion sessions on current projects.

To address limited collaboration, establishing and improving media collaboration across borders has been proposed. It is also about improving the involvement of media focal points and technical experts at Member State level. But also, to include the media at all stages of designing development programs.

In order to meet the challenge linked to the gap in having content in local languages, it was proposed to explore avenues to provide local populations with the information that concerns them by translating it into their local languages.

Finally, to identify the deficit linked to the skills of media professionals in relation to the contours linked to the 2 programs, regular capacity building sessions were proposed for them.

At the end of those 2 days of training, on behalf of the participating media professionals, Julius Barigaba, Ugandan journalist within the Nation Media Group, indicated that it is a big step for media professionals to have benefited from the knowledge on both programs. He also added that the ball is in the court of professionals, promising that they will in turn inform the population. While insisting on great collaboration between the media and regional communities to achieve the objectives set.

The 2-day workshop, from October 25 to 26, was organized by the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA). The other 4 participants are: the Southern African Development Community (SADC), the Intergovernmental Development Community (IGAD), the Indian Ocean Commission (IOC) and the East African Community (EAC). A total of 12 countries participated in that workshop. The work of those workshops was recognized by the presentation of certificates of participation.