• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Closing of activities of the East African Police Chiefs Cooperative Organization


Nov 3, 2023

BUJUMBURA October 30th (ABP) – The Vice President of the Republic of Burundi, Mr. Prosper Bazombaza, enhanced with his presence on Friday, October 26, 2023, the closing activities of the meeting of ministers responsible for the police and security and closing activities of the 25th Annual General Assembly meeting of the East African Police Chiefs Cooperation Organization (EAPCCO)

Also participating in those ceremonies were the Burundian Minister of the Interior, Community Development and Public Security, the outgoing president of EAPCCO, and the police chiefs of EAPCCO member countries.

                                                 The Minister of the Interior for Community Development and Public Safety

That general assembly was organized under the theme “Leveraging regional policing capabilities to promote law enforcement cooperation in the fight against terrorism and transnational organized crime”

On that occasion, the Vice-President of the Republic of Burundi specified that the present meetings were limited to terrorism and transnational organized crime as a particular form of crime which requires more than ever a regional response based on the collaboration of all stakeholders in general, strengthening the capacities of their police institutions and cooperation between them in particular.

Mr. Bazombaza noted that the subjects analyzed in that general assembly are extremely important for the security of the East African region and he is confident that the proposed strategies undoubtedly respond to current and future security challenges. security, the basis of sustainable development.

Furthermore, he added, the entire population of East Africa must take ownership of those community strategies so that their region is stable, competitive and sustainable, and community-oriented policing is a factor. essential to educate and respond to the needs of the population which continue to evolve from day to day.

The Vice-President of the Republic of Burundi also recalled that the vision of EAPCCO to guarantee peace and security constitutes a keystone in order to achieve the objectives that their countries have set for themselves to develop policies and programs aimed at broadening and deepening for their mutual benefit cooperation in the fields of population, economy, social and cultural affairs, research, technology, defense, security, legal and judicial affairs.

He took that opportunity to congratulate the Burundian Minister of the Interior, Community Development and Public Security, Mr. Martin Niteretse who had the chance to lead the EAPCCO Council of Ministers after the elections made by members of EAPCCO present.

In turn, the Minister of the Interior, Community Development and Public Security, Mr. Martin Niteretse indicated that at the heart of the agenda of that25th General Assembly, the crucial issue of the fight against terrorism was sufficiently addressed. It requires strengthened collaboration between member countries, strengthening agencies and local communities to effectively combat that threat which undermines our societies.

Minister Niteretse said that meeting is an opportunity to demonstrate their common commitment to peace, security and prosperity in the Central African region. The minister invited all members of EAPCCO to continue to work together, share their knowledge and promote concrete actions to address the challenges they face.

                                View of participants at the EAPCCO annual general meeting

Furthermore, he cited an additional challenge they face. That is the manifestation and threat of improvised explosive devices. To counter that threat, the minister said EAPCCO member countries must create specialized task forces, equipped with advanced detection technologies and expertise.

Additionally, he added, they must encourage public awareness campaigns to educate their communities on recognizing and reporting suspicious activities related to improvised explosive devices.

Minister Niteretse also recalled another pressing issue that EAPCCO member countries addressed. That is the illicit arms trade in the Karamoja cluster in East Africa. It is imperative to identify the key players involved in that trade and disrupt complex supply chains. The recommendations to that effect include reinforced border controls, intelligence sharing and joint operations, he explained.

The Minister of Interior for Community Development took that opportunity to thank all their heads of state and government for their unwavering commitment towards the promotion of peace, security and regional cooperation in the African region eastern.

He commended the tireless dedication of their police and security forces who work day and night to protect their communities and he also commended the hard work of all EAPCCO members and their regional partners in advancing their noble mission common security and cooperation.

Note that that annual general assembly of EAPCCO was held from October 22 to 27, 2023 in Bujumbura with the 14 member countries of EAPCCO present at those meetings including Burundi, Tanzania, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, DRC, South Sudan, Somalia, Seychelles, Ethiopia, Comoros, Eritrea, Djibouti and Sudan.