• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Third round of the polio vaccination campaign


Oct 26, 2023

BUJUMBURA October 26th (ABP) – The Ministry of Public Health and the Fight against AIDS, through the Expanded Vaccination Program (EPI), organized, Tuesday, October 24, 2023, a workshop at the media, on the preparations for the 3rd round of the vaccination response campaign against poliomyelitis, which begins from October 26 to 30, 2023, throughout the country.

The director of the PEV, Mr. Jean Claude Bizimana, invited the entire people, in general and the parents, in particular, to respond massively in that polio vaccination campaign.

He, on that occasion, reported that the country has totaled twenty-three cases of circulating poliovirus, derived from the type 2 vaccine strain, including two cases in humans, and 21 in the environment, since the date of the appearance of the first case, in March 2023 to October 10, 2023.

Dr Bizimana indicated that that third round of polio vaccination concerns all children aged zero to seven years resident or passing through Burundi, in 49 health districts of the country. Vaccinators will go from house to house to administer two drops of the vaccine to all targeted children and will pass through households and public places like churches, markets, train stations, IDP camps, wherever people can get together to vaccinate all children in that age group, leaving no one behind.

He said infection with circulating poliovirus type two can occur when the weakened strain of the virus contained in the oral polio vaccine circulates among underimmunized populations for long periods of time.

In addition, he said, that contagious disease, without treatment, cripples and disrupts the lives of families. He called on parents, guardians and child caretakers to leave instructions at home, in the event of their absence, so that the team that will visit their household can vaccinate the children.

He asked the people to report to the mobilizers, vaccinators or the nearest health center, if once they notice in their house, neighborhood, hill or sub-hill, a child from zero to 15 years old who was walking and who suddenly becomes unable to walk, or even stand or move a limb.

He also called on the media to remain the best channel to inform and raise awareness among communities and households about the benefits of vaccination.