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Unmet needs, at the origin of population growth in Burundi, according to an expert


Oct 12, 2023

BUJUMBURA, October 12th (ABP) – On the second day of activities of the high-level forum of women leaders, organized since Monday, October 9, 2023 in Bujumbura by the Office of the First Lady for Development in Burundi (OPDD), various presentations were made on family planning and birth control, as well as rich interactive discussion panels, led by different experts. The latter revolved around reducing births.

The director of the national reproductive health program, Dr. Ananie Ndacayisaba, said that unmet needs for family planning and birth reduction must be addressed. This implies the number or percentage of women who are fertile and who wish to space or stop having a pregnancy, after having had the desired number of children, but who are not currently using a method of contraception for several reasons. With the unmet needs which today amount to 30%, he explained, there is the very high unemployment rate, especially among young people.

In relation to the causes associated with low adherence to family planning including rumors, lack of information, social and family pressures or lack of support from partners, education is a priority but also and above all a cornerstone so that there is a change in mentality.

                                                                              View of the women leaders

To that end, he suggested, the priorities are above all the strengthening of women’s empowerment programs through education which is the cornerstone, the raising of their socio-economic status and the change in mentalities or social norms that keep women in a lower status than men.

During the same forum, there were exchanges of experiences with other countries. According to Athanase Nzokirihisha, an expert at UNFPA, three countries, namely Rwanda, Malawi and Ethiopia, are recording remarkable progress if at least the positive benefits of contraception are considered.

The First Lady of Zanzibar, Maliam Mwinyi, took the opportunity to talk about her experience through her foundation called “Maisha bora”, which means quality life. She did not fail to highlight the benefits of consuming the plant called seaweed which grows along the seas and oceans, while noting that it is high in nutritional value. Mrs. Mwinyi further recommended that women leaders follow contraceptive methods.