• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Cholera has resumed, 380 cases have been reported


Sep 28, 2023

BUJUMBURA, September 28th (ABP) – The medical director of the health province of Bujumbura, Dr. Jean Paul Ndayishimiye, announced that cholera is coming again in that province, more precisely in the Gatumba and Kabezi zones and asks the people of the affected areas to apply hygiene rules.

He said that until September 25, 2023, the situation was as follows: in the Isare health district, 351 cases have been recorded since the announcement of the epidemic, in the Kabezi health district, 26 cases have been recorded and in the Ijenda health district, 3 cases and to specify that of the 380 patients, 6 are still hospitalized.

Dr. Ndayishimiye told a check by ABP that measures were taken to thwart its continuation. He has reported the sanitization of houses where the sick came from by community health workers and Red Cross volunteers. Raising awareness among the people on the application of hygiene rules and the sanitation of toilets is also being carried out. Dr. Ndayishimiye also spoke about the distribution of sanitizer tablets to purify water used in households and the distribution of drinking water in localities affected by the disease in collaboration with the civil protection police.

It is worth noting that cholera occurs recurrently following the lack of drinking water in the Gatumba zone, a lack which extends to other zones of the Mutimbuzi commune, namely the Maramvya and Rukaramu zones.