• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Cleaning up the sugar trade, a bit of the provincial authority of Bujumbura


Sep 10, 2023

BUJUMBURA September 7th   (ABP) – The governor of Bujumbura province (western Burundi) Mr. Désiré Nsengiyumva brought together on September 5, 2023, all communal administrative officials and sugar traders, in order to see how that product, according to the governor , sold like drugs, could be available.

                                                                                   View of the participants

A large number of traders showed up and there was verification of the lists of wholesale traders which the governor sent to the Moso Sugar Company (SOSUMO). Some of those traders did not appear on those lists and indicated that they had authorization either from the Commercial Director or the General Director of SOSUMO.

The ABP learned on site that there is a quantity of sugar of up to 8 tons, granted to what they call “institutions”, which creates disorder because these quantities escape the control of the communal administration.

Governor Nsengiyumva recommended that sugar traders inform administrators each time they stock up on sugar to check the quantities received and organize distribution. He reminded them to be sugar wholesale traders, being a native of the province is a condition. He called on them to work well with the administration and to apply the prices set by the State.

The traders in turn admitted that cheating can occur and attest that they sell at a loss which is why some traders apply the sugar detail, which the law prohibits them from doing. The traders expressed their anger that SOSUMO only thought of its interests, putting aside those of its customers by increasing the price of the bag and asked the governor to plead for them.

Others have asked to be put on the list as well, but the governor has told them that they can be put on the waiting list and replace those who do not comply with the law. He further urged traders to form a Whatsapp group to continue discussing the subject relating to sugar.