• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

African youth is invited to partake in the prevention and resolution of disputes


Aug 28, 2023

BUJUMBURA August 28th (ABP) – The CNDD-FDD party organized on Thursday, August 25, 2023, a conference to exchange experiences for young Imbonerakure and young people from the various ruling parties of African countries, including the Tanzania’s CCM, Algeria’s FLN and other ruling parties in Zimbabwe, Namibia, DRC, South Africa, Congo Brazzaville, Chad, and others, as part of the celebration of “Imbonerakure Day, 7th edition”.

The Deputy Secretary General of the CNDD-FDD party, Cyriaque Nshimirimana, first welcomed the various delegations from the ruling parties of certain African countries. According to him, this testifies to the excellent relations that bind African countries and their respective political parties. He also indicated that this conference was organized to discuss the meaning, role and impact of the involvement of Burundian youth in particular and African youth in general, in the promotion of the values of peace and security, for the socioeconomic development initiated by the ruling parties in their respective countries.

The theme chosen for this year: “The role of African youth in the promotion of the values of peace and security, pillars of sustainable development”, invites them to place the reflection beyond national borders. This also leads them to approach logically and from the outset the issue of African solidarity, regarding common challenges as a continent.

However, it appears that the African solidarity which, in the past, enabled the strengthening and success of the pan-Africanist decolonization movements seems today to be a value on the way to disappearance. He did not fail to point out that the role of young people is crucial, both in the field of development and in that of governance.

Mr. Nshimirimana also pointed out that African youth is a powerful lever for the economic revival of the continent and that the latter needs concrete actions from the States. In return, they must live up to the trust that the whole world places in them.

                                                                                                           View of young Africans attending the conference

He took the opportunity to congratulate the Imbonerakure youth league, explaining that despite many challenges facing the country, they have always found ways to contribute constructively to social cohesion, stability and development of the country.

He asked young Africans to make a commitment to contribute every day, to restore the image of their respective countries, to counterbalance the bad and condescending representations of African countries made by certain leaders. The ambitions of the imperialists have not changed, only the strategies are changing, the Deputy Secretary General of the CNDD-FDD party added.

During his presentation on “The role of African youth in promoting the values of peace and security”, Mr. Willy Nyamitwe indicated that young people are among the first victims of radicalization and conflict. Their participation in the prevention and resolution of disputes is therefore essential to the establishment of a lasting peace, he said.

According to Mr. Nyamitwe, one of the flagship projects of Agenda 2063 is the “Silencing the Guns” program by 2030 to create conditions conducive to Africa’s development, explaining that in the absence of peace and security, the development of Africa is not possible.

He also added that Agenda 2063 envisions an Africa whose development is people-driven, building on the potential of its people, especially its women and youth while caring for children.

Africa must be endowed with a strong cultural identity, common values, ethics and heritage. The continent must be politically united, based on the ideals of Pan-Africanism and the vision of Africa’s renaissance. Agenda 2063 also provides for an Africa where good governance, democracy, respect for human rights, justice and the rule of law prevail. It foresees an Africa as a strong and influential actor and partner on the world stage.

The young Africans participating in that meeting offered a good framework for young people to achieve lasting peace in their respective countries. According to them, a youth not well supervised is exploited for economic reasons by the great powers and policies of those who want to stay in power. Young Africans have expressed the wish to see privileged dialogue in the event of conflicts.