• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

From now on, the diplomatic passport renewal application file will be accompanied by a list of the holder’s achievements during the validity period of their passport


Aug 23, 2023

BUJUMBURA August 23rd (ABP) – State Secretary General and Spokesman Prosper Ntahorwamiye issued on Monday August 21, 2023, a press release related to the renewal and use of the diplomatic passport after noting its abusive use for some Burundian holders.

Through the said press release, it is recalled that the diplomatic passport is a privilege linked to the functions of the holder, which confers on them, in certain situations, the power to perform acts in the name and in the interest of the government and also facilitates their travels abroad. Any holder of a diplomatic passport must refrain from any behavior contrary to the ethics and morale which should characterize them. Misconduct or unsavory morality observed both inside and outside the country may cause the immediate withdrawal of the document.

According to the press release from the government spokesperson, now the diplomatic passport renewal application file will be accompanied by a list of the achievements of the holder during the validity period of their passport. For any trip abroad, any holder of a diplomatic passport must present a Mission Order at Melchior Ndadaye international airport. For any holder of a diplomatic passport, any request for an exit visa at an embassy must contain a note verbale issued by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Development Cooperation.