• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The Head of State has met the governors of the provinces


Jun 5, 2023

NGOZI June 4th (ABP) – Burundi Head of State Evariste Ndayishimiye met, on Friday June 2, 2023, at Buye in Mwumba commune, the governors of the various provinces of the country, to assess the situation in all sectors of national life.

According to Rosine Guilène Gatoni, spokesperson for the President of the Republic, they first reviewed the security situation which looks rather good throughout the territory.

On the judicial level, the Head of State deplored that there are still justice providers who work poorly. It is inconceivable that there are cases of injustice committed on people by the very people responsible for correcting or repressing them. Corruption is still rampant among judges and magistrates. The Head of State said, according to Mrs. Gatoni, to take in hand the question of justice. From now on, the presidents of the different courts of justice must take ownership of what is happening in their respective courts. A meeting will be organized for all justice service providers, so that they can come and explain their shortcomings to the Head of State.

                                                                                View of provincial governors

From the social point of view, the meeting participants deplored the increase in cases of unwanted pregnancies and recommended an investigation to identify the perpetrators.

Regarding good governance, the Head of State reconsidered his place in the achievement of development goals and called on administrative officials to fight against all forms of injustice. An inventory of the State heritage must be carried out to know what belongs to the State and to protect it. Finally, the Head of State insisted on the essential role of the agricultural sector in the implementation of vision 2040, of an emerging Burundi and 2060, of a developed Burundi. Agricultural officials must support the population and coordinate agricultural technical services for proper supervision of the population. There must also be good management of the harvest.

He recommended a study on the quantity of the harvest in each province, so that they proceed to the distribution of the consumable quantity, that to be kept in the storage sheds and that to be put on the market.