• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The CNDD-FDD party celebrated the second edition of “Umukenyerera rugamba” Day


Mar 29, 2023

GITEGA March 28th (ABP) – The CNDD-FDD party celebrated on Saturday March 25, 2023 in Gitega (center of the country), the second edition of the day dedicated to women members of that party “Umukenyerera rugamba day” under the theme: “Bakenyererarugamba, let us focus on the self-development and development activities of our country to prepare our future and that of our descendants.”

                                                                                         View of Bakenyerarugamba

The chairperson of the women’s league of the CNDD-FDD party, Mrs. Marie Goreth Yamuremye, said that she is delighted with the step already taken by the Bakenyerera rugamba in initiating self-development projects. She invited them to always be exemplary in their societies by giving birth to children whom they can educate well, to raise small livestock in their households and to cultivate in a modern way to ensure increased production.

The CNDD-FDD Party Secretary General, Mr. Réverien Ndikuriyo hailed various income-generating and charity activities that the Bakenyerera rugamba have already carried out across the country this year. He called on them to raise small livestock and practice modern agriculture, not to waste agricultural production, to safeguard peace and security and to use information and communication technologies (ICTs) in development of the country and their household. Note that those ceremonies were enhanced by various high personalities of the country, the wife of the late President Melchior Ndadaye, various delegates of political parties approved in Burundi, the ruling party in Zimbabwe, ZANU PF and in Tanzania CCM, the Nigerian Ambassador to Burundi and so on.