• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Capacity building for executives and senior executives of the Ministry in charge of the Media


Mar 27, 2023

BUJUMBURA March 27th (ABP) – Executives and senior executives of the Ministry of Communication, Information Technologies and the Media participated on Friday, March 24 in a capacity building workshop on “responsible citizenship and patriotism”.

That activity, which took place in Bujumbura (economic capital of the country), was organized by the Ministry of the Interior, Community Development and Public Security, checks by ABP revealed.

Citizenship is said to be responsible when the citizen thinks and acts in their context, according to their own values while taking into account the interests of the community to which they belong. Responsible citizenship also includes political and social dimensions emphasizing participation, critical thinking and socialization, said the adviser to the Department of Civic Education and Patriotic Training (DECFP), Mr. Evariste Macumi.

Mr. Macumi also notes that fundamental citizenship is based on three fundamental values, namely civic-mindedness, civility and solidarity. Thus, through his communication, he told the participants that the current world is constantly changing. Here, he specified that the national landmarks in many countries, including Burundi, are becoming more and more diluted.

According to the speaker, unacceptable behavior and a depravity of the mores of Burundian society follow. A specific, civic and patriotic education is therefore necessary to have responsible citizens capable of serving the country properly as well as safeguarding national sovereignty. Several challenges remain to be met to better integrate responsible citizenship and patriotism in Burundi. He returned, among other things, to the non-respect for the service regulations, certain officials who do not care about the collective interest and social cohesion, lies and the lack of civility.

Other challenges raised at the session relate to the non-respect for public affairs, preaching without serving as a model, concentration on free profits, ignorance of the rights and duties of citizens, dishonesty, corruption, waste of resources and courtesy deficit, etc. To remedy the situation, certain actions deserve to be carried out. These relate essentially to compliance with the law in all its rigor and extend the awareness sessions on responsible citizenship to all social components.

In addition, those in charge of the administration of the territory were invited to redouble their vigilance, given that it turned out that there are foreigners who have a national identity card in violation of the law.

As for the officials of the Ministry in charge of Communication and the Media, they were urged to serve as a model to better contribute to the integration of responsible citizenship in Burundian society.