• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The media are called on to take an interest in the problem of separated families


Mar 27, 2023

BUJUMBURA March 27th (ABP) – As part of encouraging the media to pay more attention to the issue of families separated by conflict and other situations of violence or natural disasters, the International Committee of the Red Cross in Burundi (ICRC) represented by the Head of Missions at the ICRC, Mr. Pierre-Emmanuel, with the Burundi Red Cross (CRB) represented by the Secretary General, Mr. Anselme Katiyunguruza, launched, on Wednesday March 22, 2023, in Bujumbura, a competition intended for the print and audiovisual media with a view to rewarding the best content published on the theme of “separated families”.

It was also about publicizing the service offered by the movement to support affected families.

In his speech, the head of missions within the ICRC in Burundi Pierre-Emmanuel indicated that in Burundi this program is called the restoration of family links (RLF). He said that this program was implemented by the ICRC and the CRB, and enabled 37,000 people to reconnect with their family members and 267 children to be reunited with their families with follow-up for full reintegration into the community. The head of mission specified that those services were offered to the families of Burundian refugees settled in Tanzania, Rwanda, DRC and Uganda. They have also helped refugees from other countries who are settled in Burundi, he said.

Mr. Pierre-Emmanuel took the opportunity to point out that the “media competition” is an initiative of the ICRC and the CRB intended to arouse the interest of journalists for questions related to the separation of families during armed conflicts, the migration and other violence or natural disasters and the response of the red cross and red crescent movement. He added that this competition will reward the best radio, television, print and online productions of journalists on the territory of Burundi. He pointed out that the organization of that competition is part of the promotion and protection of rights and human dignity and the strengthening of media interest in humanitarian action.