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Women are called on to serve as good examples in their respective localities


Feb 21, 2023

RUYIGI February 21st (ABP) Women from Ruyigi commune and province are called on to abandon bad behavior based on irresponsible alcohol consumption, as well as sexual vagrancy. That appeal was made by the administrator of Ruyigi, Mrs. Antoinette Semugara, after an awareness session held on Monday February 20, 2023 in the Rusengo zone, following the lamentations of the people from the Migege and Kirambi villages, on the behavior of their neighbors. That appeal therefore aims to straighten Burundian women and girls, to respect Burundian mores and culture.

In his welcome speech, the Rusengo zone leader, Mr. Patrice Irakoze, said that his zone is quiet and knows peace and security on a large part, and that people go about their activities normally. However, he pointed out that there are cases of some households experiencing problems related to excessive alcohol consumption and sexual vagrancy, women not submissive to their husbands, especially in Migege and Kirambi villages.

The headquarters of the Rusengo zone considered urban also records cases of women who spend half the night in bars or commute by changing bars and sharing beers with other men. Finally, he deplored the fact that some beneficiaries of the Merankabandi social safety net project, especially in Kirambi village, behave like true insurgents in their households and tell their men that they have become heads of families and that their husbands have no order to give them.

During his speech, administrator Semugara called on the women of that zone and of his entire commune to pull themselves together and respect mores. She underlined that the Burundian woman has always been considered as the pillar of family development and of the whole community in general. She also warned those concerned that her commune cannot tolerate such irresponsible behavior likely to cause a setback in development.

To all those women whose families are now beneficiaries of the Merankabandi project, she asked them to stop that irresponsible pleasure-seeking behavior, because the project has a limited duration and those who are not careful risk find themselves at the end of the project without having retained a great interest. Among other pieces of advice given by the administrator Semugara are also the personal and environmental hygiene surrounding the households and the rigorous and regular monitoring of the upbringing of their children.

During the exchanges with the women who were invited to that awareness session, the participants expressed their gratitude to the administrator Semugara for having taken care to travel to their zone to call on them to order. Most of them said they were optimistic that the perpetrators of the bad behavior cited will adopt a new attitude having taken seriously the warning given to them. They also asked that the concerned stop tarnishing their own image in the families as well as that of the locality.