• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Interfaith prayer in Kabezi commune


Jan 30, 2023

BUJUMBURA January 30th (ABP) – Burundi Senate President Honorable Emmanuel Sinzohagera honored with his presence, on Thursday afternoon in Kabezi commune, Bujumbura province (western Burundi), the interfaith prayer organized by the CNDD-FDD, a check by ABP revealed.

In his welcoming address, the provincial secretary of that party Emmanuel Nkunzimana indicated that it has become a regular practice for the Bagumyabanga to meet every Thursday at the end of the month around the prayer to praise God for the grace he never ceases to grant them and ask forgiveness where they have sinned and ask him for strength to carry out their mission well because, he recalled, “we have put God above all”.

The day’s prayer was led by Senate President Sinzohagera, who centered his teachings on a certain Nehemiah of the Bible who was heartbroken by the behavior of people in his community in which injustice was in full swing, the goods of despoiled others and he decided to commit himself resolutely to work to help his community to fight against that injustice, to draw his community from misery and after this was accomplished, Nehemiah cried out and said “my God, that all I have done for others be recorded in my account”. Starting from that example, the president of the Burundian Senate urged the Bagumyabanga to love each other, to do good to others because God will ask you what good you have done for others. He pointed out that among the Bagumyabanga, there are still people who harm others, who give false reports, who slander others so that they are removed from office, calling on them to break with that bad behavior.