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CNJ is satisfied with Burundi’s ratification of the African Youth Charter


Jan 23, 2023

BUJUMBURA January 23rd (ABP) – The National Youth Council (CNJ) of Burundi is satisfied with the ratification by the government of the Republic of Burundi of the African Youth Charter, as drafted in 1999 in Algiers (capital city of Algeria) and adopted in 2006 in Banjul (city and capital of The Gambia), according to the CNJ Statement that a check by ABP received on Thursday January 19, 2023 from the chairman of that youth body.

“It is a source of great pride for all Burundian youth, but also a mark of honor for Burundi as a nation”, Dr Thierry Ingabire, chairman of the CNJ, said with joy while expressing his feeling of gratitude to the President of the Republic, Evariste Ndayishimiye, who spares no effort to support and encourage youth development initiatives and projects.

By this ratification, President Ndayishimiye has just proved once more his firm commitment to raising Burundian youth to a more honorary rank in the concert of nations, Dr. Ingabire underlined. Africa needs leaders who invest in youth for a better future and competitive development because, he said, the survival of the entire population depends on it.

According to that youth body under the supervision of the Ministry of East African Community (EAC) Affairs, Youth, Culture and Sports, the ratification of the African Youth Charter is a historic gesture that will resonate for a long time through the generations. This is a very important legal tool added to the various frameworks supporting youth initiatives, already initiated by the government of Burundi, including the CNJ of Burundi, the Youth Investment Bank (BIJE), the Youth Economic Empowerment and Jobs Program (PAEEJ), the Burundi Youth Employment Authority (ABEJ), and the Guarantee and Support Impulse Fund (FIGA), as explained through that statement.

Thus, the ratification of the African Youth Charter will devote to young Burundians, among other things, the right to property and inheritance for all without distinction (as specified in Article 9 paragraph 1 of the said Charter), the right to non-discrimination (article 2 paragraph 2), the right to free movement on the African continent (article 3) and the right to equal opportunities between elders and young people devoting merit.

Remaining confident that the said Charter will bring positive changes to the youth, the CNJ pointed out through its statement that the foresight of each young Burundian, through education and hard work, is the only path that will inevitably lead the Burundian youth to the aspired ends.

The CNJ of Burundi is already convinced that the legal framework and the texts governing it will be adopted by the authorized bodies and will thus be able to be placed at the same rank as the other National Youth Councils of the region.

Taking advantage of that occasion, the Burundi National Youth Council asks the government of the Republic to continue and consolidate the projects and programs already launched, and counts on the commitment and the will of the Burundi Head of State to always go forward and shine the colors of Burundi all over the world.

“Under the leadership of the President of the Republic and friend of young people, we reaffirm our commitment to take the lead in development through production cooperatives and associations to fight against unemployment and promote entrepreneurship, in order to support his efforts by actions”, promised the CNJ through that statement.

It is worth noting that the African Youth Charter adopted on July 2, 2006, in Banjul, was ratified and enacted on January 9, 2023 by the Head of State, Evariste Ndayishimiye.