• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Visit to Bubanza by the Minister of Finance, Budget and Economic Planning


Jan 20, 2023

BUBANZA January 20th (ABP) – The Minister of Finance, Budget and Economic Planning, Audace Niyonzima, met, on Wednesday, January 18, 2023, with the inhabitants of Bubanza province (north-west of Burundi), to listen to their concerns in relation to the said ministry, a check in Bubanza by ABP has revealed.

Complaints that were raised in that meeting include the OBR, which does not pay the communes’ share of the rental tax. They also mentioned companies that do not pay communal taxes, in this case Leo, Lumitel, SRDI, COGERCO, itinerant traders who compete with others because the latter escape taxes and duties, traders who lack foreign currency for import, some declarants and OBR agents who do not make it easy for importers, the provincial OBR staff who are overwhelmed during the declaration period, the high interest rate for micro-finance and banks …

Concerning taxes and levies, Minister Niyonzima indicated that they must be provided for and governed by law. He said that the revision of the tax law is underway to facilitate the payment of those taxes and duties, and that declarations will be made online, shortly.

As for the concerns regarding the OBR, the Minister in charge of Finance asks them to approach that institution for remedy. He called on the authorities to conduct awareness sessions on everything related to taxation so that those concerned are aware of it, and the inhabitants on the site to devote themselves to work for the increase in production.