• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The First Lady has received in audience two persons in authority


Jan 19, 2023

BUJUMBURA January 19th (ABP) – The First Lady of Burundi, Angeline Ndayishimiye, received in audience on Wednesday, January 18, 2023, in Bujumbura, the representative of the World Bank to Burundi, HAWA Cissé WAGUE and the Dominican priest, Godfrey Nzamujo, founder of the agro-ecological center of Songhai in Benin.

In an interview that the resident representative of the World Bank gave to the press just after the audience, she said that the purpose of the visit was to congratulate the First Lady on her commitment to promoting welfare in the country where she is very involved in everything related to the fight against malnutrition and the economic empowerment of Burundian women.

She specified that those areas are very targeted by the World Bank, hence, the exchanges with the First Lady were to discuss to what extent that bank will support the actions already undertaken by Mrs. Ndayishimiye. She added the First Lady’s commitment fits well with the World Bank’s objective of fighting poverty and ensuring that every mouth of a Burundian has something to eat and every pocket money.

As for Priest Godfrey, he indicated that with the Better Half of the President of the Republic of Burundi, the exchanges were more centered on the major projects being implemented for the benefit of youth and women, which are in progress and piloted by the office of the First Lady for the development of Burundi and see to what extent he could contribute from his experience.

According to him, Burundi is already on the track of development thanks to the leadership that always advocates the well-being of all Burundians but also and above all the inclusive development of the country, the reason why Burundi deserves support from all sides.