• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Sensitization of leaders and people on the consolidation of peace, sustainable development and the prevention of violence


Dec 4, 2022

BUJUMBURA December 3rd (ABP) – The National Observatory for the Prevention and Eradication of Genocide, War Crimes and Other Crimes Against Humanity (ONPGH) organized on Tuesday, November 29, 2022, in Gatumba zone, commune Mutimbuzi of Bujumbura province (western Burundi), an awareness-raising session for leaders and administrators in the communes and hills of this province, under the theme “Let’s unite to build a peaceful country from the consolidation of peace, sustainable development and the prevention of violence”.

In his illuminating speech, the ONPGH chairman, Mr. Jean de Dieu Mutabazi indicated that it is constitutional and emanates from the Arusha Accords.

This awareness session which has already taken place in Bujumbura city, in Muramvya, Bururi and Mwaro provinces is an opportunity to take a retrospective look at the history of Burundi, the dark periods that Burundi has gone through in order to be able to prevent these conflicts, he said.

The participants, during group work tried to identify the factors that can torpedo peace and social security and what can be done to avoid conflicts that can lead to the crimes mentioned above.

They also noted the main causes of conflicts such as exclusion, mismanagement of public affairs, corruption, lack of patriotism, the past which remains hidden and the responsibilities which are not established on the crimes which took place in Burundi, political intolerance, injustice, unemployment, land disputes, to name but a few examples.

The participants also expressed the desire to live together, peaceful cohabitation, the request for forgiveness by those responsible for the crimes and they asked that forgiveness be granted to them in order to turn the page and build a peaceful country where one must live well.