• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Economic operators are called upon to invest in seed multiplication


Nov 27, 2022

KAYANZA November 22nd (ABP) – The Prime Minister of Burundi, Mr. Gervais Ndirakobuca, in the company of his wife joined on Monday, November 21, 2022, the general management of the Institute of Agronomic Sciences of Burundi (ISABU), in an activity relating to the harvest of mini-tubers of weaned potatoes on August 1, 2022, in a greenhouse erected in the enclosures of the Munanira innovation center in Muruta commune of Kayanza province (north).

At the end of that activity, Mr. Ndirakobuca indicated that the idea of ​​setting up the project relating to the establishment of a greenhouse for the multiplication of potato seeds came after the Head of State asked economic operators to invest in the agricultural sector for seed multiplication.

He said that those first generation potato seeds were monitored by ISABU technicians, which is why they must also be present when harvesting those mini-tubers, he said. Regarding the varieties of potato harvested, he cited, among others, the so-called “Magome” variety, the one called “Shangi”, “Victoria” and “Mabondo”.

According to the Prime Minister of Burundi, the people will benefit a lot from that production, which is considered very well. He took the opportunity to ask the Burundian people in general and economic operators in particular to invest in the agricultural sector so that there is a multiplication of seeds and production which, for him, will allow any mouth to have something to eat and in each pocket, money.

                                   Family photo of the participants in the mini potato tuber harvest

At the general management of ISABU, he was called upon to closely monitor the production of seeds from start to finish, while specifying that “Not every economic operator enters the field of seed multiplication in order to extract money, we invest in this area to multiply the seeds only”, he added.

As for the Director General of ISABU, Mr. Alfred Niyokwishimira, he hailed the contribution of the Burundian Prime Minister in the seed multiplication sector, adding that he is the first to invest in the production of first-rate seeds. “If we don’t have these seeds, it is impossible to produce seeds for farmers.” He also clarified that from 2024, any farmer who needs seed potatoes will be served easily.

He called on all investors wishing to follow in the footsteps of the Prime Minister, to approach ISABU for collaboration and support.

Mr. Niyokwishimira took the opportunity to ask the Burundian government to continue to support that research institute, especially in the acquisition of reagents and equipment from abroad, which will help to block the way to delays and absences of supply.