• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The TRC calls on women leaders to instill a culture of peace everywhere


Nov 10, 2022

GITEGA November 10th (ABP) – The chairman of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) held on Tuesday, November 8, 2022 in Gitega (center of the country), a conference for the representation of the National Women’s Forum, around missions, achievements and prospects of this commission, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

On that occasion, Mr. Ndayicariye pointed out that Burundi has always known cycles of violence because the human rights violations and the killings of 1972 have not been suppressed. To that end, he underlined that these killings had caused a lot of harmful consequences, including the forced exile of Hutus, hundreds of thousands of human lives lost, the decline of the national economy, early marriages in decimated families, decrease in inter-ethnic marriages. Other consequences were the bankruptcy of the education system, the purification of Hutu in schools and the teaching body, the increase in the number of widows and orphans, the global trauma of the population, the decline and the demographic imbalance between men and women … Proceeding from this, the president of the TRC reported that from 2020 to 2022, this commission has already exhumed 22,845 victims in 220 mass graves verified and confirmed throughout the country, but that there are mass graves not yet discovered here and there. He indicated that among the prospects of this commission for the year 2023, appear the public sessions of request for forgiveness or behind closed doors by the authors of the violations of human rights and the killings of 1972.

                                                                                     View of the participants

Mr. Ndayicariye urged the women leaders of the national women’s forum to be good messengers and educators of peace in their homes, to be generations that save the country and never to teach their children about divisions, whether ethnic, clan, regional or religious or political.

The vice-president of the national women’s forum, Mrs. Madeleine Bamwizere asked women leaders to take this information to heart and share it with their spouses because there are things they too do not know.

Ms. Bamwizere suggested that women take the lead in teaching their children patriotism and the various crises that Burundi has experienced since 1972. She also called on political leaders to no longer solicit young children for war but, to brotherhood in their differences. It is for this reason that she reiterated the commitment of the women of the national forum to always teach peace, security, unity and love wherever they are in order to build a country without war.

Note that some members of this forum suggested that the TRC publicly denounce the names of the perpetrators of the human rights violations and the killings of 1972.