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The creation of the Order of Civil Engineers and the Order of Architects on the menu of the Cabinet meeting


Nov 9, 2022

BUJUMBURA November 9th (ABP) – The draft decree on the creation, organization and functioning of the Order of Civil Engineers in Burundi and that of Architects were among the items on the agenda of the Council of Ministers of November 4 2022 chaired by the Head of State Evariste Ndayishimiye according to the press release from the General Secretariat of the State.

The regulation of the engineering profession will allow Burundian engineers to flourish both nationally and internationally, and the government to operate the tax control for these professionals. According to the press release, this draft decree fills a real legal vacuum and puts an end to the disorder observed in this sector. Its objectives are to organize and regulate the engineering sector, to contribute to the protection of the population, to promote the development of the engineering sector, to protect the engineering profession, to facilitate the development engineering professionals and contribute to the sustainable development of the country.

At the end of the analysis, the project was adopted with, among other recommendations, to separate the definitions of the areas of intervention, indicate all the organs of the Order and explain their roles, clearly mention the missions of the Order engineers, reduce to 5 years the number of years of experience required to be members of the Order and enrich the conditions of access for foreigners by emphasizing the principle of reciprocity. Among the recommendations made are also the establishment of the Infrastructure Regulation and Coordination Authority.

The Council also analyzed the draft decree on the creation, organization and operation of the Order of Architects. That draft decree determines the conditions required to bear the title of Architect and to practice this profession.

According to the press release, its adoption and implementation will save the growing number of architects faced with the problem of idleness caused by the monopolization of the profession by those who do not have the qualification and save the physiognomy. Cities and put an end to the disorders observed in the field of construction. After discussion and debate, the project was adopted with, among other recommendations, to refer to other important texts, in particular the decree on the general framework of professional orders, the decree which organizes the OBUHA and the decree which creates the order accounting professionals.

For the level of studies, it was recommended to indicate only that it is a degree in architecture or equivalent, regardless of the degree level.