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The Mayor of Bujumbura City met the inhabitants of Muha commune


Oct 28, 2022

BUJUMBURA October 28th (ABP) – The Mayor of Bujumbura City, Jimmy Hatungimana met on Tuesday, October 25, 2022, with the urban population of Muha commune including Kinindo and Musaga areas, to collect and respond to their concerns in accordance with the recommendation of the Head of State.

In his welcoming address, the administrator of Muha commune, Mrs. Dévote Ndayisenga said that peace and security reign in Muha commune. She added that the population coexists peacefully in their diversity. She took that opportunity to salute the measures taken recently by the President of the Republic, which made fuel, sugar and cement available.

Despite this, Mrs. Ndayisenga deplores the consumption of narcotics and prohibited drinks, especially among young people, cases of theft in households, cohabitation, floods, the RN7 which is threatened by the Kamesa ravine, the rivers which are threatened by the stone extractors in the rivers and who in turn destroy houses and others.

She took that opportunity to point out that the schools located in Muha commune are few in number, which means that there are overcrowded classes. She asked the town hall to help them build schools in floors to cope with the high number of learners per class.

View of the urban people of Muha present their grievances to the mayor of the city

For the inhabitants of the Kinindo zone who, since 2004, have given their contributions to be equipped with paved roads, she asked the Mayor of the city of Bujumbura to help them ask ABUTIP for the inventory of that project.

Speaking, the mayor of the city of Bujumbura recommended a synergy of efforts to fight against the consumption of drugs and prohibited drinks to prepare the future of young people. He also invited the inhabitants of Muha commune to pay taxes and levies in order to benefit from certain development projects, including the construction of schools.

The people of Muha commune are also invited to plant trees on the banks of the rivers that cross that commune, to protect the environment. The young people of that commune are in turn asked to respond to the recruitment of the national police in progress, explaining that being enrolled in the defense and security forces is a sign of patriotism.

During the session of questions and complaints, the drivers of motorcycles and tricycles (Bajaji), asked for the increase of working hours and to let them arrive at the Muha bridge and on the wide avenue. To that question, the mayor of the city replied that what is possible is to increase working hours. For bicycles, they have to work from 6 a.m. until 6 p.m. For bikers, they must work from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. For tricycles, from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. The mayor of the city also invited these drivers to develop other development projects and approach the BIJE to receive credits.

For those who have problems related to the plots of Nyabugete phase 4 and 5, and those of Kizingwe-Bihara and Gisyo are requested to wait for the report of the OBUHA which will be transmitted to the Minister in charge of infrastructure to be forwarded to the Cabinet meeting. For those who do not yet have paved roads, they are first asked to collect contributions and the city will make its intervention taking into account what the population of that commune has already contributed.

For traders who left the Musaga and Kanyosha market to trade in Muni-markets, they are asked to return to those markets built by the State to trade in accordance with the law.

A question was raised about the bridges linking Kamesa and Nkenga-Busoro and the other linking Kinanira 2 and Kanyosha below Vyisi’s house which are threatened by sand and gravel extractors in the rivers and other criminals who go even so far as to remove the executioners from these bridges. The mayor of the city invited sand extractors to follow the flow of water to avoid the destruction of rivers and bridges. He also specified that there is a bridge rehabilitation project in the town hall of Bujumbura.

Note that this meeting saw the participation of the various advisers of the Bujumbura city, the representatives of the courts and tribunals, the representatives of the education and health sector in Bujumbura city, the local administrative staff at the summit of Muha commune and others.