• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Commemoration of the 61st anniversary of the assassination of the hero of national independence


Oct 16, 2022

BUJUMBURA October 16th (ABP) – Burundi commemorated in all the provinces of the country, on Thursday, October 13, 2022, the 61st anniversary of the assassination of the hero of national independence, Prince Louis Rwagasore.

In Bujumbura City, the ceremonies began with a mass celebrated at the Regina Mundi Cathedral by Archbishop Gervais Banshimiyubusa. In his homily, Bishop Banshimiyubusa urged the leaders to do their duty everyone in their concern, avoiding any form of exclusion, rather taking care to do good to all Burundians.

According to Bishop Banshimiyubusa, Prince Louis Rwagasore had the qualities of a good politician and a vision for the general interest. He fought for the development of all the people of Burundi.

The ceremonies continued at the Mausoleum of the Hero of Independence, located at Mount Vugizo in the city of Bujumbura where Burundi Head of State Evariste Ndayishimiye and his better half laid a wreath of flowers. The extract from the speech of Prince Louis Rwagasore during the victory in the general elections of his party UPRONA in 1961 was then rebroadcast. In that passage, Prince Louis Rwagasore wanted Burundi to be characterized by peace, unity and development.

In Gitega province (center of the country), the ceremonies began with a mass in his memory, at the Saint Sacrament Parish of Rukundo, and were led by the governor of Gitega province.

The hero of national independence, Prince Louis Rwagasore, aimed to make Burundi a haven of peace, true democracy, rule of law, social justice and integral development. This is reflected in a speech he delivered on the occasion of his party’s victory in 1961. It is the same speech which was rebroadcast, in full, on Thursday, October 13, 2022, during the commemoration of the 61st anniversary of his assassination. The illustrious deceased also dreamed of building Burundi on the foundation of a State that protects all citizens and is marked by respect for public affairs, political tolerance and the putting out of harm’s way of troublemakers.

                                                                   A member of Prince Louis Rwagasore’s family laying a wreath

After the Eucharistic celebration, a crowd dominated mainly by students marched to the monument dedicated to the illustrious deceased, where the rest of the ceremonies took place. Wreaths of flowers were successively laid there by the provincial authority, the communal administrator of Gitega, the representatives of the Rwagasore family, those of 13 political parties namely, CNDD-FDD, UPRONA, SAHWANYA-FRODEBU, CNL, PMP Abagenderabanga, FNL, APDR, RANAC, ADR and CODEBU Iragi rya Ndadaye.

In Karusi province, the governor’s chief of staff, Innocent Ntirampeba, like the other officials that a check by ABP contacted, affirmed that the speech made by the hero of independence, Prince Louis Rwagasore after the declaration of his party’s victory, remains on the page, for more than half a century. Political competition through elections ends in winners and losers but peaceful coexistence is mandatory, Mr. Ntirampeba said. Good governance is the pillar of development, he added. Thieves and offenders will be severely punished, he continued to say to show that even current political speeches repeat this.

One of the listeners to the speech on the site got surprised at the land reform program contained in Rwagasore’s speech when Burundi was still spacious. Another got surprised to hear Prince Louis Rwagasore say that it is the Burundians who win the elections and not his party. The third insisted on the importance of the love of one’s neighbor and of work as advocated by the hero of independence.

Note that the governor’s chief of staff took the opportunity to reassure the people about the availability of chemical fertilizers, noting that until today 51% of the quantities requested are available and that the supply continues.

In Ngozi, the ceremonies marking the 61st anniversary of the assassination of Prince Louis Rwagasore began with a mass celebrated at the Immaculate Conception Heart Cathedral in Ngozi. The mass was attended by a large crowd and especially officials working in Ngozi province. They continued at the monument of national heroes located in front of the Ngozi province office where the wreaths were laid by the provincial and communal administration and political parties such as CNDD-FDD, UPRONA, CNL, Sahwanya FRODEBU, the FNL at the provincial level. There were also the wreaths of the UPRONA party in Ruhororo commune and those of the movements integrated into that party, namely the UFB and the JRR.

The participants had the opportunity to listen to the speech of Prince Louis Rwagasore he delivered during the victory of September 18, 1961, which led Burundi to independence.

In a speech delivered at the monument of national heroes, the governor of Ngozi province, Emmanuel Ntaconsanze, warmly thanked the inhabitants of Ngozi for a huge participation. He reminded them that Burundians must meditate for a long time on the speech of Prince Louis Rwagasore. He called on the people of Ngozi to implement the independence hero’s ideals to carry on his legacy.

In Makamba, the ceremonies began with a Mass in memory of Prince Louis Rwagasore which was celebrated at Saint Pierre Claver parish where Father Serges Kagajo used the Gospel according to John chapter 13, verse 35, to ask Burundians to be united as Prince Louis Rwagasore said.

After Mass, the ceremonies continued at the monument of unity located at the roundabout not far from the communal office of Makamba. In her speech, governor Françoise Ngozirazana returned to the bravery of Rwagasore and his abasement despite being a prince.

Mrs. Ngozirazana asked the people to respect the leaders and the laws in force in Burundi. People will have to fight against fraud and speculation, she added. The governor ended her remarks by asking faith leaders to organize sessions to invoke the Almighty for rain so that Burundians can start the 2023 cropping season A.

In Cibitoke, the ceremonies took place in the provincial headquarters. They were well attended by students and State officials. They began with the laying of wreaths from the administration, political parties, representatives of women and young people, at the monument dedicated to independence.

The parish priest of Cibitoke, Nestor Nihorimbere, in his homily, clarified that no one in the world was created to denigrate or discredit their fellow man. He prayed for the nation, its leaders and its citizens, so that all would be peacemakers, activists of love and conviviality.

In Muramvya, the commemoration marking sixty-one years since the assassination of the Hero of the independence of Burundi, Prince Louis Rwagasore, took place in the headquarters of Muramvya province (center-west) in the presence of governor Diomède Nzambimana in the company of heads of provincial services, communal administrators and leaders of political parties. Wreaths in memory of Rwagasore were laid at the monument of unity respectively by the provincial and communal administration, political parties such as the CNDD-FDD party, UPRONA, CNL, the Sahwanya FRODEBU party, the APDR and ADR.

In his speech which followed the listening of that of Prince Louis Rwagasore delivered in 1961 after the victory of his party UPRONA, the governor of Muramvya province called on the population as a whole to follow the example of the hero of independence with a view to ensuring its strengthening through work to maintain peace, security and development.

As there is no rain, Governor Diomede Nzambimana asked farmers to adopt the irrigation system by drawing gutters that can lead water to their fields in order to effectively fight against hunger. Governor Nzambimana also invited Christians from different religious denominations to implore God for the rain to fall.

In Bururi, the people of the province celebrated the 61st anniversary of the assassination of the hero of independence, Prince Louis Rwagasore. The ceremonies began with a mass celebrated at the Cathedral Marie Reine of Bururi where Mgr. Salvator Niciteretse, Bishop of the diocese of Bururi, pleaded love and fraternity between the people. The activities continued at the independence monument where wreaths were laid by the administration, the approved political parties CNDD FDD, UPRONA, the SAHWANYA FRODEBU party, APDR, ADER and the family Ganwa representatives. Governor Léonidas Bandenzamaso asked the entire population of the province to live together peacefully and strengthen social cohesion. To the heads of public services, he invited them to establish good governance, mainly in the justice sector where cases of corruption are reported. Regarding the bush fires that continue to ravage properties, the governor warns the perpetrators of the fires.