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The spokespersons of various state institutions hosted a public program for journalists and the people


Oct 9, 2022

KAYANZA October 9th (ABP) – The spokespersons of various state institutions hosted on Friday, September 30, 2022, in the headquarters of Kayanza commune and province (north), a public broadcast for journalists and the people.

Addressing the greetings of the Burundian Head of State to the population, his spokesperson, Mr. Alain Diomède Nzeyimana, specified that the President of the Republic congratulates anyone who gives himself body and soul to establish peace and security. He indicated that this program is animated when the rainy season has already begun and that the Head of State is taking the opportunity to call on the population to proceed with sowing as soon as possible, on the basis of information provided by the technicians of the Geographical Institute of Burundi (IGEBU).

Mr. Nzeyimana invited the ministry responsible for agriculture to closely monitor the acquisition of organo-mineral fertilizers, to curb the delays in sowing when farmers have already paid for the costs for these fertilizers. According to him, the President of the Republic of Burundi asks administrative officials to regularly monitor the activities of the population and to ensure that the population benefits from the organo-mineral fertilizers intended for it.

Also, continued the spokesperson for the Burundi Head of State, the program is held the day after the start of the school year for the 2022-2023 school year. To do this, students are recommended to realize that their main mission is to study because they are considered as nurseries of families and the country in general.

Spokesperson Nzeyimana also pointed out that the Head of State is asking administrative officials and the judiciary to punish in an exemplary manner all those who impregnate young girls who are still on the school bench because, he insisted, the perpetrators of these pregnancies in schools constitute a barrier to the future of the victims.

The Head of State also calls on Burundians not to be slaves to laziness and corruption but rather to love work and better manage time.

                                              The people who came to ask the questions line up

Regarding the establishment of councils of village notables, Mr. Nzeyimana said that the Head of State recommends them to be kind, to settle conflicts without bias, to fight against injustice in the community and to promote love and understanding between the Burundian people.

Closing the greetings of the Burundian Head of State, his spokesman reassured the population that the shortage of certain basic necessities is being resolved and that the Head of State strongly condemns traders who speculate on the prices because the latter bring down the development of the country. “The responsible and hard-working government only cares about the stability of the Burundian population,” he concluded.

During the first part of the questions, the journalists sought to know when the administrative release of careers for parastatal companies and personalized administrations will take place. The spokesperson for the Burundian Prime Minister, Mr. Moïse Nkurunziza, reassured the population that a commission will be set up to look into the question of civil servants from parastatal companies and the personalized administration. “This commission will have to provide a report on it and the latter will allow the Burundian government to provide guidance,” he said.

A question was also asked in relation to the shortage of fuel while the Burundian government has already taken the matter in hand. Here, the spokesman for the President of the Republic, indicated that this shortage is due to the fact that there are still people with bad intentions who participate in economic crimes. Asked why the owners of service stations no longer supply themselves with fuel, Mr. Nzeyimana said, without mincing words, that the Burundian government has the prerogative to suspend these stations and supply them with fuel.

Journalists also raised the issue of the dismissal of the former prime minister and his government. Mr. Nzeyimana stressed that the Head of State appoints or dismisses whoever he is according to his will and that each government has its missions.

Another question raised concerns the allowances intended for retirees, which should be equal to or greater than the last salary of the civil servant who is retiring. The Secretary General and State Spokesman, Mr. Prosper Ntahorwamiye, replied that the authorized bodies are at work and that the resolution of that issue is at a satisfactory stage.