• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The draft unified financial information strategy, one of the items on the agenda of the Cabinet meeting


Oct 9, 2022

GITEGA October 9th (ABP) – The Burundi Head of State Mr. Evariste Ndayishimiye, chaired on Friday, October 7, 2022, the Cabinet meeting in his palace of Gitega, located in the political capital of Burundi (center of the country).

Eight points were on the agenda of the said council, according to a press release which emanated from the General Secretariat of the State. The first two communications presented by the Minister of Justice concerned, on the one hand, the draft law revising Law No. 1/004 of 09 July 1996 on the organization and functioning of the notariat as well as the status of notary, and on the other hand, the note relating to the implementation of the fair wage policy within the body of justice.

                                                                            View of members of the government

In turn, the Minister of Trade, Transport, Industry and Tourism developed the following two points, in that case the draft decree on the creation, organization, mission and operation of the maritime and port authority of Burundi and the note on the state of play of the implementation of the recommendations of the Cabinet meeting of August 3, 2022.

The fifth point in relation to the draft decree on the mission, organization and functioning of the Ministry of National Solidarity, Social Affairs, Human Rights and Gender was presented by the supervising minister.

As for the draft unified public finance information strategy, it was presented by the Minister of Finance, Budget and Economic Planning.

With regard to the seventh point developed by the Minister of Hydraulics, Energy and Mines, it concerned the project for the industrial exploitation of alkaline granites on the sites of Kibuye in Bukirasazi commune and Mwaro-Mavuvu in commune Makebuko, in the province of Gitega by the company “East African Drilling and Granite”, with the aim of transforming them into tiles and ornamental stones.

The latest communication relating to the various and relating to the note on the issue of the national competitive examination and the State examination for Burundian refugee students in Tanzania was developed by the Minister of National Education and the scientific research.