• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Official opening of the Burundi-Nigeria summit


Sep 30, 2022

BUJUMBURA September 28th (ABP) – The Head of State Mr. Evariste Ndayishimiye proceeded on Tuesday, September 27, 2022 in Bujumbura to the official launch of the 1st edition of the Burundi-Nigeria summit which will extend over 3 days under the theme “Economic Development through African Private Sector Investments”.

                                                                                            View of the participants

In his occasional speech, the President of the Republic reassured that all the conditions aimed at improving the business climate are met. He mentioned the legal framework and doing business while inviting the various investors to come and invest in Burundi.

In that same perspective, the Head of State returned to the various opportunities that exist in Burundi in the various sectors, namely trade, energy, education, infrastructure, industries and many others. On the same occasion, he returned to national and regional projects which could in some way interest Nigerian investors, in particular the construction of the railway which will link Burundi, Tanzania and the Democratic Republic of Congo which, according to him, will, improve regional trade. Mr. Ndayishimiye also mentioned the creation of the women’s bank as well as that of young people. He asked the delegation from Nigeria but also investors in general to come to Burundi to inspire Burundian youth to promote innovation and creativity.

For his part, the head of the Nigerian delegation Mr. Patrick Egolum said that Nigeria is ready to invest in Burundi to take advantage of existing opportunities and the exchange of experience between the two countries while mentioning some concrete actions already companies in this case the establishment of the university Olivia University in Burundi.

The chairman of the Federal Chamber of Trade and Industry of Burundi Mr. Olivier Suguru indicated that this business summit is an opportunity offered to Burundian economic operators to be able to inform Nigerian economic operators on investment opportunities. It is also an opportunity for Burundians in general to be able to inform the Nigerian private sector about Burundi’s new investment code, the incentives and benefits granted by that document, he added.