• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Marsh operators are called upon to use mechanical control or phytosanitary products to control army worms


Sep 30, 2022

KAYANZA September 28th (ABP) – The director of the provincial office of environment, agriculture and livestock in Kayanza (north), Mr. Adelin Niyonsaba, asks the farmers of the marshes of this province who have sown the hybrid maize for the C 2022 growing season to ensure that their crops are not destroyed by army worms. In the event of the appearance of the latter, he suggests that they apply mechanical control, which consists of picking them up and killing them or by using phytosanitary products. He launched all those calls that Thursday at the end of a descent carried out in the marsh of Ruguhu in the Mbirizi zone of the Gatara commune in order to realize the vegetative state of the hybrid maize sown there in block for the first time and of the inventory of the attack of the army worms, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

According to Mr. Niyonsaba, that visit was carried out after reports that snowballed on social networks showed that the hybrid maize sown in this marsh was very threatened by army worms. “The observation is that no house is burning and that those are only isolated cases which cannot even reduce the expected production”, he rejoices, reassuring the farmers that once army worms attack a field of crops, they must get used to making regular visits to pick them up and kill them or use the appropriate phytosanitary products at the vegetative stage. He urged the operators of different marshes in Kayanza province to approach agronomists, agricultural assistants and agricultural monitors to inquire about which phytosanitary product to use for the fight against the said pest. To the agricultural technicians at different levels, he recommended that they also make regular visits to the marshes so that they continue to sensitize the people on regular monitoring for the fight against army worms while using the appropriate methods for each vegetative stage.