• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Activities of the 4th day of the university week at the Nyamugerera


Sep 25, 2022

BUBANZA September 19th (ABP) – The activities of the 4th day of the university week were organized on Thursday, September 15 at the Institute of Applied Statistics (ISTA), at the Nyamugerera campus, in Musigati commune, Bubanza province (north-west of Burundi), a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

In his speech, the Dean of ISTA, Dr. Ménédore Karimumuryango, indicated that the objective of that Institute is to train graduates at bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral levels in applied statistics, in different areas of the national statistics system in order to promote and design decision-making support tools. And out of 105 students who were selected for the 2018-2019 academic year, for the first promotion, 77 received their diplomas on Thursday. Among them, one passed the entrance examination to the Institute of Training and Demographic Research in Cameroon, one benefited from a Master’s degree in computer statistics and 5 were hired at ISTEEBU, continues the dean of ISTA.

As for the vice-rector of the University of Burundi, Mr. Valos Runyagu, he indicates that this week of the university gives the opportunity to researchers and teachers, to present to the public the results of their research, which can contribute to the improvement of the socio-economic conditions of the population.

Nevertheless, Mr. Runyagu said that a lot of challenges handicap the proper functioning of this Institute of Applied Statistics and prevent it from achieving the objective, namely the lack of teachers, academic infrastructures while ISTA has an extension plan with the establishment of the Master’s program. He also talks about the insufficiency of teaching aids such as fiber optics and the Internet, the limited financial means, etc.

It calls on partners, public and private, national or not, to make the extra effort to enable the training of qualified, competent executives that the country needs in the areas of ISTA training.

Note that this week of the university is organized on dates from 12 to 16/9/2022, under the theme, “The University of Burundi, guarantor of innovative research for the eradication of poverty and the promotion of socio-economic equality for all”.