• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The Burundi Head of State asked the pupils to learn in order to understand


Sep 25, 2022

GITEGA September 19th (ABP) – The Burundi Head of State, Mr. Evariste Ndayishimiye, has asked pupils across the country to learn in order to understand in order to capitalize on their knowledge for the development of Burundi. He delivered the message in his speech delivered on the occasion of the inauguration of the Sabine Ndoricimpa high school and the basic school of Ntobwe I and II, located in the diocese of the United Methodist Church of Burundi (EMUBU), in the Ntobwe village, in Gitega commune and province (Center of the country).

                                                                 View of pupils greeting Evariste Ndayishimiye

“You are the future leaders of the country”, he told them, before asking them; to deploy all their efforts in their studies, to detect their talents in order to orient themselves in scientific sections which will be useful to them and which will facilitate them to make Burundi an emerging country. After his words of thanks to UMUBU for its support for the country’s development, President Ndayishimiye asked the country’s other religious denominations to follow this fine example, to set the country on its way to development. Recalling his slogan, “Together, everything is possible”, he challenged the leaders to mark their visibility in their village by the trailer of the people in the construction of social works. He also thanked all those who gave interventions in the realization of the infrastructure inaugurated above.

Previously, the Burundi Senate President at the same time legal representative of EMUBU, Mr. Emmanuel Sinzohagera, had thanked the same speakers, citing by name, the Burundi Head of State, the natives of the village of Ntobwe, the Christians of EMUBU, the administrator of the commune of Gitega, the national federation of savings and credit cooperatives (FENACOBU), economic operators and the United Methodist Church of Burundi for the active involvement that characterized them in the construction of these buildings. To all those personalities or institutions and, starting with the Head of State, Mr. Sinzohagera presented certificates of honor. To the latter, he also granted a heifer of the Frizon breed.