• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The First Lady received in audience a delegation from the Chinese Foundation for Rural Development


Sep 18, 2022

BUJUMBURA September 16th (ABP) – The First Lady of Burundi and founder of the association “Bonne Action Umugiraneza”, Mrs. Angeline Ndayishimiye received in audience a Chinese delegation from the Foundation called “Chinese Foundation for Rural Development” which was led by the Chinese Ambassador to Burundi, Mrs. Zhao Jiangping on Thursday, September 16, 2022.

At the end of the hearing, the Coordinator of the “Bonne Action Umugiraneza” Foundation, Emmanuel Sindayikengera indicated that the discussions focused on cooperation between the two Foundations. He mentioned that the cooperation between the two Foundations will take place in various fields, in particular education and health, while pointing out that this cooperation is still in its infancy. For now, the first action will be to distribute school materials to children from vulnerable families.

Ms. Angeline Ndayishimiye thanked them and a courtesy visit will be scheduled soon according to Emmanuel Sindayikengera.