• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

A sigh of relief for patients requiring the use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)


Aug 17, 2022

KARUSI August 16th (ABP) – The Minister of Public Health and the Fight against AIDS, Mrs. Sylvie Nzeyimana officially launched on Thursday, August 11, 2022, the use of the MRI device at the Karusi fiftieth anniversary hospital, an important device, very powerful and unique in the country.

                                                                                 View of MRI device

That device was purchased by the government on its own funds at a very high price of 5.5 billion Burundian francs according to Mrs. Sylvie Nzeyimana. It has already been tested because 50 patients have benefited from the MRI technique since its arrival at the hospital, said the minister, noting that it worked well. The technicians in that domain have been well trained and are at work, she announced.

The services of that device are not very expensive as people think, which will deprive patients of taking flights abroad, said Mrs. Sylvie Nzeyimana. She insistently asked the technicians concerned and the medical director of the hospital to take care of this device.

It is a special device that uses magnets and radio waves to give high quality images, testified radiologist Dr. Champion Munezero, trained in the use of MRI. It is more efficient than other X-ray and scanner devices and allows the visualization of soft tissues such as the brain as well as the joints and the spinal and bone marrow according to Dr. Munezero.

For the director of the 50th anniversary hospital, Dr. Protais Baribarira, as for the head of the governor’s cabinet, Innocent Ntirampeba, this donation from the government is an eloquent sign of its concern for the well-being of the Burundian population in general and that of Karusi in particular.