• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Satisfactory achievements of the Ministry in charge of media for the 4th quarter, 2021-2022


Aug 14, 2022

BUJUMBURA August 11th (ABP) – The Minister of Communication, Information Technologies and the Media, Mrs. Léocadie Ndacayisaba, proceeded, on Tuesday, August 9, 2022, to the presentation of the report of the achievements counting for the fourth quarter of the 2021-2022 fiscal year.

Minister Ndacayisaba reported that the quarterly achievements made during this period, that is to say, from April to June 2022, are very satisfactory. She took the opportunity to thank all the staff of the ministry and the departments under its supervision for the efforts made in achieving the objectives that the ministry had set itself in the annual action plan (PAA) 2021-2022.

The achievements have mainly focused on good governance, the development of legal texts and the strengthening of the legal framework, the field of communication, media and information and communication technologies (ICT) as well as awareness raising. young people, especially young girls, on ICTs.

The challenges were not lacking, pointed out the Minister in charge of the media, citing in particular the shortage of fuel which had a serious impact on the functioning of telecommunications companies and the various media organs, the private media having been the more affected.

Regarding good governance, an anti-corruption strategy has been developed and validated. That strategy will enable that ministry to fight corruption and related offences, she said.

Regarding the statistics sector, a directory integrating the field of communication, ICT and posts has been developed. Similarly, a strategy for the development of statistics from the said ministry has been drawn up and validated, she continued.

In the sector of communication and the media, the strengthening of the legal framework was a concern of the ministry, in that case, the law on access to information and the law governing the press in Burundi. For this last law, Mrs. Ndacayisaba said that national and international experts have come together to produce a draft bill which is ready to be sent to the hierarchical level for analysis and adoption. The same is true for the law on access to information.

That Minister also indicated that the media, both public and private, continued to broadcast information and programs calling on the population to increase production while practicing irrigation. The media also supported government action and the activities of the various institutions in the country. They have also contributed to the education of the people through the production of programs and programs relating, among other things, to the protection of the environment, the fight against pandemics, hygiene and nutrition.

As part of the promotion of the activities of community radios, Mrs. Ndacayisaba said that six of them were visited inside the country as part of inquiring about their working conditions and to realize their contribution to the development of the local community.

                                      View of the officials from the ministry responsible for the media

With regard to information and communication technologies, four multipurpose community telecentres in Bubanza, Rumonge, Karusi and Makamba have been equipped with electricity meters and cash power units, in order to allow the surrounding community to have access to computer tools without electrical energy constraints. Monitoring and evaluation sessions were also held in the telecentres of Mwaro, Karusi and Kirundo, she reported.

Note that through the media support fund, 25 laptops, 14 recorders and a camera were received. Those will soon be given to the media who will be selected according to the criteria that a joint committee will determine in a very few days, reassured Minister Ndacayisaba.

During the celebration of the International Telecommunications Day, under the theme “Digital technologies at the service of the elderly”, food and non-food assistance was granted to the elderly accommodated in the Sainte Elisabeth de Rohero centers in the urban commune of Mukaza and in Gihanga commune in Bubanza province. To that was added the payment of bills for the poor, who were hospitalized at the Prince Regent Charles Hospital.

As for the National Telecommunications Office (ONATEL), a commission is at work to draw up terms of reference to guide an audit of the company in order to revitalize it.

The National Postal Authority (RNP) continued to provide service to its customers, in particular by paying the salaries of civil servants, granting loans, paying for chemical fertilizers as well as the money and parcel transfer service, noted Minister Ndacayisaba. She nevertheless underlined that the challenges were not lacking. Those include the cases of thefts that have been noticed in some post offices where the line ministry has repeatedly recommended that the authorities of the RNP take appropriate measures. Some of the thieves have been arrested and punished, Mrs. Ndacayisaba reported. Other challenges noted concern the delay in the preparation of financial statements, which had an impact on the implementation of planned actions.