• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Ruziba butchers are called on to respect the law in relation to the movement of cows to be slaughtered


Aug 14, 2022

BUJUMBURA August 14th (ABP) – Butchers working at Ruziba market in Muha commune of Bujumbura City, were arrested on the night of August 8 to 9, 2022, with 17 cows to be slaughtered in Kabezi commune located in Bujumbura province (west of Burundi) by the police, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

Those butchers generally get their supplies of cows to be slaughtered in the hills of the Kabezi and Mutambu communes. According to them, they cannot do otherwise because breeding is not practiced in Bujumbura City.

With a total of 17 cows, only nine remained which were under the watchful eye of the police, the others having vanished into the wild. Never mind, the communal tax collector in Mutambu revealed that the total of those hiring animals was 17 and it is those 17 who were fined 100,000 BIF each by the communal administration of Kabezi.

The administrator of that commune, Mrs. Espérance Habonimana and the provincial director of the environment, agriculture and livestock Mr. Daniel Mazarahisha urged these butchers of Ruziba to respect the law in terms of restriction of the movement of cows and transport them in vehicles to limit the spread of Rift valley fever, especially since the aforementioned communes were not yet affected.