• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Maramvya land is the State land


Jul 27, 2022

BUJUMBURA July 26th (ABP) – Land management in the Maramvya zone, Mutimbuzi commune of Bujumbura province was one of the points analyzed during the Council of Ministers on July 20, 2022.

According to the press release from the General Secretariat of the State, the summary report of the reactions of the occupants of the Maramvya zone after the publication of the results of the report of the joint commission relating to the management of this zone was presented by the Minister of Finance, Budget and Economic Planning.

According to the press release, dated April 05, 2022, the Cabinet meeting analyzed the report relating to the management of the Maramvya zone, Mutimbuzi commune drawn up by the commission which was set up by the Ministry in charge of Environment and the one in charge of the Interior. The Council of Ministers appreciated the work that was carried out and made observations and some recommendations.

It recommended informing all concerned of the situation of their plots, stopping the continuation of all construction activities on the disputed plots, taking the necessary measures on constructions which present a public danger, in particular houses built under the high voltage lines and to bring the file back to the Cabinet meeting after sensitization so that the State takes a definitive orientation.

Another joint team was immediately set up to implement these recommendations. Based on the opinions and considerations expressed by the population concerned and the documents presented, the team produced another report which was analyzed by the Cabinet meeting on Wednesday July 20, 2022. At the end of the analysis of that report, the Cabinet meeting noted that all the persons concerned were heard and that the errors which were contained in the first report have been corrected.

The Cabinet meeting than made observations and recommendations. The Cabinet noted that the report of the commission was done in a professional manner. The observation is that all the land of Maramvya is state land.

In the case of plundered plots, developed or not, no activity should be continued or undertaken until further notice, but people who have acquired the plots on a regular basis need not be worried.

Holders of plots looted from the State, even those who claim to be buyers in good faith, are prohibited from selling the plots. The ministers in charge of the environment, justice, town planning and the interior will use the texts in force to identify the sanctions to be applied to spoliators.

The administrative authorities who have allocated plots without having the skills must be prosecuted and punished, the statement said.