• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Graduation ceremony for the first finalists of the Integrated Polytechnic University


Jul 22, 2022

CIBITOKE July 22nd (ABP) – The Integrated Polytechnic University (UPI) of Cibitoke proceeded, on Tuesday, July 19, at the headquarters of Cibitoke province, to the graduation of its first candidates, session 2017-2018. The latter studied in three faculties, namely the Faculty of Economy and Management with a section of finance and accounting, the Faculty of Entrepreneurship, that of Science and Technology with a section of programming and software engineering, that of Health Sciences which has the nursing section.

The ceremonies for the presentation of 50 Baccalaureate diplomas were honored with the presence of the Director of Higher Education, Mr. Barthélemy Cimpaye, who acknowledged the importance of that private academic institution.

Mr. Cimpaye urged the UPI authorities to comply with the principles and policy governing higher education in Burundi. He also called on the officials of that university to collaborate with other higher education institutions in the framework of experience exchange and to facilitate academic training. He did not forget to recall that those diplomas serve as a key to continuing the BMD system.

The legal representative and founder of UPI, Mr. Emmanuel Ndindiye, clarified that this University is based on entrepreneurship with graduates determined to create their own jobs that even others can benefit from. He indicated that he had submitted his request to the supervisory ministry for authorization to open institutes for students who did not pass the State examination, and for the evening program.

Such a request was echoed by the representative of the governor, who pleaded for the opening of institutes and the evening program for civil servants and others with no time during the day.

As for the representative of the finalists, he asked for the opening of master’s level studies at the UPI for the benefit of the latter and others.