• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Refugees in Kavumu camp are called for strict respect for the law


Jun 3, 2022

CANKUZO June 3rd (ABP) – Refugees in Kavumu camp based in Cankuzo commune and province (eastern Burundi) are called on to respect the law, it was said on Wednesday June 1, 2022 during a security meeting that the governor of that governor Boniface Banyiyezako held for them inside that camp, a check by ABP revealed.

In that meeting, the governor of the province, Mr. Boniface Banyiyezako, indicated that peace and security constitute the pillar of sustainable development. He took the opportunity to call on those refugees to cut short with the habit of concubine behavior, illegal marriages, which manifests itself in that place sometimes with Burundian partners. According to him, the children born of these relations succumb to the fact that they do not benefit from any assistance from refugees, a problem which will be increasingly aggravated after the departure of their fathers, explaining that their single mothers will not be able to support them.

                                                                                                                                                                                                    View of the meeting participants

The same refugees were recommended not to leave the camp again without having the exit ticket granted by the ONPRA. Here, he asked that organization to do everything possible to facilitate access to this ticket for all those who wish to go out of the camp. Recalling the advantages already granted to them, namely access to school from outside the camp and to traffic, Mr. Banyiyezako called on them to strictly respect the law.

To the problem raised of marriage which is allowed once a year in that camp, which sometimes causes these illegal marriages as the refugees have made known, the governor of Cankuzo province replied that with the communal administrator of Cankuzo, they will settle it so that they celebrate them at least 4 times a year.

It is the same for access to the different extracts which require a large outline to have them. The administrator of Cankuzo commune, Mrs. Chantal Irakoze was recommended to facilitate access to that service.

Added to all these challenges mentioned is the lack of latrines in the common market with the rest of the population and the lack of laundry soap. The governor said that they will sit down with the various stakeholders to find the solution to that lack of latrines. As for the lack of laundry soaps three weeks ago, the head of the UNHCR sub-delegation in Ruyigi, Pentshi-a-Maneng Peggy, said that containers of those products are already at the border, that it is necessary to wait for customs clearance to be completed.

Governor Banyiyezako finally called on those refugees to cohabit well with the host population as well as their collaboration in self-development work in order to promote peace and security.

Note that international organizations intervening in the life of that camp, namely the WFP, UNHCR, COPED, were represented in that meeting and that this camp shelters more than 16 thousand people distributed in more than 3000 households.