• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

People of Ruyigi commune are called on to join the disaster prevention program


Apr 4, 2022

RUYIGI April 4th (ABP) – The administrator of Ruyigi commune Mrs. Antoinette Semugara calls on the people of her commune to learn and get used to the culture of risk prevention and disaster management on all the villages of her commune. She also encourages the people of her commune to register their land holdings so that they can initiate self-development projects.

Those calls were launched on Tuesday March 28, at the end of a session to evaluate the achievements of the municipal commission of the risk prevention and disaster management platform, from the second half of the year 2021 until month of March 2022.

The purpose of that evaluation session was to know the step taken, after the implementation, in July 2021, of the work plan for this platform. Administrator Semugara said that the potential risks that threatened the Ruyigi commune had been classified in order of crescendo magnitude, that is to say from the greatest threat to the smallest. She reported that the threat that came first were road accidents, followed by floods, bush fires, strong winds, land disputes between members of the same family, epidemic of coronavirus and finally diseases related to malnutrition.

Regarding the achievements in relation to the objectives set, the administrator Semugara specified that the overall achievements in all the axes set during the work plan reached an overall score of 75%.

However, it emphasizes that this rating is satisfactory but that more needs to be done to improve risk prevention.

As for the feasibility of that appropriation of risk prevention, as a result of the main risks facing the Ruyigi commune, Mrs. Semugara asks road users to respect the road code. It invites drivers of motorized vehicles to never ignore road signs.

With regard to floods, bush fires and violent winds, the people called upon to respect the advice and instructions given by the technicians of the provincial office of the environment, agriculture and livestock, without forgetting to participate in the “Ewe Burundi Urambaye” campaign. She recalled that these instructions consist, among other things, of tracing contour lines in their fields, cutting fires in the villages, reforestation to avoid erosion.

Mrs. Semugara also revealed to the people of her communal that risk prevention is not a matter for administrators or the platform only. Rather, it is an everyday struggle for everyone. It also meant that in the field of risk prevention and disaster management, all neglected threats and risks sometimes lead to disasters causing immeasurable material and human losses, whereas they could be avoided. That is only possible if the people are vigilant and follows the advice of the authorities and those of the respective risk prevention and disaster management platforms.