• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Burundi to benefit from nickel mining by East African Region Group


Mar 29, 2022

BUJUMBURA March 28th (ABP) – Burundi has signed a memorandum of understanding with the company East African Region Group, for the exploitation of the mines to replace the first operator Burundi Musongati Mining (BMM).

During the public broadcast held in Rutana on Friday March 25, 2022, in which the spokespersons of public institutions answered questions from the population, the government spokesman, Mr. Prosper Ntahorwamiye announced that Burundi will benefit from this nickel exploitation located in Musongati in Rutana province.

Asked whether Burundi could not lose as was the case with the BMM, where Burundi had been forced to break the memorandum of understanding, Mr. Ntahorwamiye replied that Burundi has taken all the measures that s impose to protect themselves. Among other things, that of requiring the deposit of a sum of guarantee at the BRB, within 2 months, exceeding this deadline, the tenderer will be rejected.

The question of when the law on the 1972 Hutu genocide will be passed by the government, when this year we will commemorate the 50th anniversary of this sad episode has been asked. It was when the 2 parliamentary chambers of the government spoke and submitted the text to the President of the Republic. In this regard, the government spokesman advocates patience.

For him, it is not only necessary to consider the genocide of the Hutus in 1972 but also other crimes and abuses committed. He indicated that the law itself will be passed having added other considerations in the initial text for additions.

He indicated that the TRC has filed a progress report, adding that it still has to do in relation to the events of 1988 and 1993. Mr. Ntahorwamiye considers that the government will not endorse part of the truth but will wait the right time to make a good decision.

During that public conference, the question was raised as to when the new law on retirement pensions will be implemented, where employees will receive a pension equivalent to their salary at the time of their retirement. The spokesman in the ministry in charge of social protection said that the law on social protection has been reviewed. He pointed out that at this moment, it is a question of revising the regulations which govern the institutions of social protection which are the INSS and the ONPR. When that work will be closed, the application of this new law will come into force, estimated the spokesperson within the ministry in charge of social protection.