• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Administrative and provincial officials are called upon to solve certain problems in the education sector


Mar 17, 2022

MWARO March 17th (ABP) – The Vice-President of the Burundian Senate Mrs. Denise Ndadaye in the company of parliamentarians elected in the Mwaro province constituency held on Tuesday, March 15, 2022 in Kayokwe commune, an exchange meeting with administrative and the heads of provincial services, during parliamentary holidays.

The Governor of Mwaro, Mr. Gaspard Gasanzwe, informed the parliamentarians in place that education is at an appreciable level. He specified that in the State examination of the past school year, the province occupied the third place at the national level and in the competition of 9th fundamental year, it took a retrograde step meaning that it occupied the 12th place, while in the competition of the previous exercise, she had taken 11th place at the national level.

Even though the situation of education in Mwaro is like this, challenges that haunt this sector are not lacking. Provincial Director of Education Mr. Omer Barandagiye said the conditions under which teachers and students work need improvement. He cited the lack of desks, classrooms built by the population but unfinished, the lack of qualified teachers and insufficient teaching materials. Mr. Barandagiye also expressed the need for toilet facilities for some schools and travel for communal directors of education to facilitate control.

He also mentioned cases of school drop-outs indicating that the causes are, among others, poverty, unwanted pregnancies, illnesses and transfers from one school to another.

Of all those concerns, Mrs. Ndadaye said that solving the problems that arise in education is everyone’s part. She also indicated that education is the mother of the other sectors that must be well managed.

She called on administrative officials and heads of provincial services to form zonal, communal and provincial associations to collaborate and dialogue with the diasporas, pointing out that it will be easy to collect contributions with a view to solving certain problems such as building toilets, buy books and the like without waiting for State intervention.